Hassan Sentamu found GUILTY of murder after stabbing schoolgirl Elianne Andam to death in Croydon


Hassan Sentamu has been found GUILTY of murder after stabbing 15-year-old Elianne Andam to death in Croydon. The 18-year-old was convicted after jurors deliberated for 11 hours and 42 minutes following a four-week trial at the Old Bailey. Sentamu had admitted knifing Elianne on September 27, 2023, but denied murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility due to autism.

There were cries of 'murderer', 'c**t', and 'ugly bastard' from the public gallery as the foreman confirmed the jury's majority decision on murder. A member of Elianne's family shouted 'Jesus' before leaving the court in tears, repeatedly saying 'Thank you' and 'Elianne rest in peace'. Sentamu, hunched over the dock with his head hanging low, wiped his eyes with a tissue.

Fixing a sentence for Thursday March 13, Mrs Justice-Cheema Grubb told Sentamu: "I understand you must be very shocked. It will take a while to get used to what has happened. I am not going to sentence you today. In the meantime, you will have the opportunity to speak to someone independent from the probation service to tell them what's on your mind."


READ MORE: Schoolboy, 14, was stabbed about 27 times on London bus, court hears

READ MORE: Hassan Sentamu's mugshot released after teen found guilty of Elianne Andam's murder

Elianne Andam took a video selfie moments before she was stabbed to death -Credit:MPS
Elianne Andam took a video selfie moments before she was stabbed to death -Credit:MPS

The defendant, who declined to give evidence, claimed his autism spectrum disorder caused him to lose control during the meeting to exchange belongings with his ex-girlfriend, who was Elianne’s friend. The defence argued his autism meant he was unable to regulate his emotions when Elianne grabbed a Tesco bag from him containing handwritten love letters to his former girlfriend.

The prosecution said he flew into a rage of 'white-hot anger' and had no lawful excuse for having a kitchen knife, having picked it up at home after being 'humiliated' by a group of girls, including his ex and Elianne, at the Whitgift Shopping Centre the day before.


Two 'equally eminent' forensic psychiatrists, with opposing diagnoses and views on the relevance of autism, gave evidence across four days during the second half of the trial, but Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb told jurors 'one of them must be wrong'.

After examining both psychiatrists, prosecutor Alex Chalk KC said there was no evidence an 'explosive act of violence' was an 'autistic brand of response'. Defence counsel Pavlos Panayi KC compared Sentamu to a bucket of water that was full to the brim, telling the jury Elianne's bag snatch was the final drop of water that caused it to spill over the sides.

The judge sent the jury out to deliberate on their verdicts at 2.43pm on Tuesday (January 14) and they returned the verdict at 2.29pm today (Thursday, January 16). Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb fixed the sentencing for March 13.

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