Homes evacuated after Leicestershire town gas leak
Homes were evacuated after a gas leak was detected in Leicestershire this morning (Thursday, January 9). Multiple fire crews were dispatched to the scene in Lutterworth.
Reports of the leak were first made to Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS) at 11.21am on Thursday. LFRS said the leak was reported from a mains pipe between two homes in Lutterworth's Baker Street.
Crews from Lutterworth and Southern fire stations were deployed to the scene and attended with a hazardous materials officer. An LFRS spokesperson said 20 surrounding properties were checked before Cadent were called by fire crews.
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LFRS added two properties had been evacuated in response to the gas leak. The leak has now been stopped.
A Cadent spokesperson said: “Our engineers have stopped the leak, and are now working with the emergency services - who evacuated properties on the street - to make the site safe."
The cause of the leak has yet to be established.
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