Hundreds of new homes set to transform one part of Merseyside
The next phase of works for hundreds of new homes is set to transform one area of Merseyside. Applications were made by Castle Green Homes and Parkhaven Trust, and another plan was submitted by Anwyl Homes for developments which would see 323 new homes built in Maghull.
Both planning applications were assessed by Sefton Council's planning department. After review of the details, the committee approved both proposals which represents a further boost to the local authority's plans to increase housing stock in the borough.
The Castle Green Homes and Parkhaven Trust project will see the erection of 74 new homes including vehicular access off Deyes Lane, car parking, landscaping and associated site works following demolition of existing buildings. The site will comprise of a mix of two, three and four-bed terraced, semi-detached, and detached homes.
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Of the 74 red brick houses, 19 are described as affordable – 12 will be for affordable rent, while seven will be affordable home ownership properties. The committee were presented the full details of the proposal and were asked to consider the principle of the development, its design and impacts on the character of the area, projected living conditions and affordable housing options, highway safety, ecology, trees and flood risks.
The report concluded the planning details complied with Sefton Council's adopted Development Plan policy and in the absence of any other material considerations, it was approved subject to conditions - including a Section 106 legal agreement and a commitment to address concerns raised by the Environment Agency.
The second agenda item to be heard at the Planning Committee was from Anwyl Homes relating to a site off School Lane. This application was for an additional 249 new homes which forms part of a larger residential phased development of up to 855 homes, an older persons’ housing scheme and a mixed-use local centre.
The Anwyl Homes scheme comprises of 22 different house types. The project will provide 74 affordable units and will be developed in groups not exceeding six properties and include both houses and apartments. Of the 175 market properties, 44 will be two-bedroom, 70 will be three-bedroom, and 61 will be four-bedroom homes.
The principle of this development has already been established so the main issues to consider related to the details submitted for the named conditions include the design and layout of the proposal, levels of affordable housing and housing mix considerations. The committee were also asked to consider and the development's potential impact on local living conditions, highway safety and environmental factors.
The application site lies within an area designated as a Strategic Mixed-Use Allocation in the Sefton Local Plan which was adopted by the council in April 2017. The Maghull Neighbourhood Plan was ‘made’ on 24 January 2019 and carries full weight in decision making. After review, the committee accepted all issues had been duly planned for and approved the application subject to conditions.