'Incredibly rare' Sir Winston Churchill coin worth £60k – and it could be in yours
Collecting rare coins offers a treasure hunt filled with potential fortunes, and among the most coveted is the Kew Gardens 50p coin.
With a scant 210,000 pieces released into circulation in 2009, this particular coin celebrates the illustrious London garden and has seen prices soar up to £250 occasionally even higher.
Yet there's another gem that collectors are clamouring for – a special coin from 1965 bearing the iconic visage of former Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill. This coin serves as a historical memento, minted in the year he passed away at the age of 90 after serving as PM during two pivotal periods: 1940-1945 and 1951-1955.
Meanwhile, TikTok influencer @CoinCollectingWizard with a hefty following of 180,000 highlights a particularly exceptional crown coin that could fetch a mind-blowing £60,000. He said: "£60,000 if you have this crown but only if it has a certain mark."
Delving further into this monetary mystery in his video, he added: "You may have come across this 1965 Winston Churchill crown as thousands were minted during the time. But did you know there is a few rare versions which are worth £60,000?" One must be eagle-eyed to spot this rarity.
People should look at the coin for a minute mint mark tucked near the bottom left. The key to striking it rich is in the minuscule initials, potentially discernible only with the aid of a magnifying glass, secreted to the left of Churchill's profile.
He concluded: "If you do find a Churchill crown with those tiny initials then you have found an ultra rare version worth £60,000. The Churchill crown is one of the most familiar of modern commemorative coins, from when it went on sale in October 1965 through to the following summer close to 20million were issued.
"But I wonder how many of this ultra rare version exist out there, do you have one?" Since the video was posted, it attracted hundreds of likes and several comments. One person commented: "I wish," while another revealed: "I've got an ultra rare version."