Irvine's Marymass Flower Show is voted a hit

The Marymass Flower show has been voted a success by organisers as people from across the community flocked to the Volunteer Rooms for the event, hosted by Irvine Horticultural Society.

This was the second year running it has taken place following two call-offs during Covid and organisers were encouraged with the response from across the community.

Organiser Bill Anderson said: “ We were more than pleasantly surprised when we saw the number of entries coming through the doors. We had a great display in most categories, including lovely entries in the children's section. I would like to see more people come along to see the show, in the hope that they might enter in the future.

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“Thanks go to those who organise and stage the show - Tom Armstrong, president, Sheila Anderson, the treasurer (and the woman who keeps me right and holds the show together), our committee and helpers, Kyle Anderson, Syd James, James Burns, Tracy Murphy, Alan Murphy, our judges and Peter Butchard and friends who gave up their time again, this year, and catered for us and our visitors.”

The flower show organisers are also indebted to Irvine Carters; Society Captain, Gordon Storrar and this year's Marymass Queen and Marys who visited in the afternoon and returned in the evening to present the prizes, ex- captains, Danny Kerr, who opened the show, and Andy Tremble, who chaperoned the Queen and Mary's.

Thanks also went to Liz, the Volunteer Rooms caretaker, who helped greatly in set-up and clearing up at the end of the night and all those who donated prizes for the raffle, which helps to make some income for the society.

Bill added: “My biggest thanks go to everyone who took the time to produce and show their entries, including the Garden Competition entrants. It would be unfair to single out any particular section of entries, as they all deserve equal recognition, but I'd like to give a special thanks to the children for making such quality items.”

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