Is The World Going To End In September? YouTube Thinks So

The Large Hadron Collider may bring about global demise

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) cost $7 billion to build and was completed in 2008
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) cost $7 billion to build and was completed in 2008

Is the world about to end in September? If you venture into the wilder, woolier reaches of YouTube, the answer is a resounding, ‘Yes’.

The destruction is going to come from an unlikely source - the Large Hadron Collider, which may summon Satan into our world.

It seems that Christian conspiracy theorists haven’t forgiven the infernal machine for finding the ‘God particle’ - and now predict it’s going to bring about Doomsday.

Various YouTube channels predict that the Large Hadron Collider is about to ‘unleash hellfire destruction’ on the world, possibly while magnetically summoning a whacking great asteroid to destroy America’s east coast.

Oh, and the Antichrist might well show up, as well as some kind of cosmic stargate to Hell, according to YouTube conspiracy fan Steve Miller.

There’s not a huge amount of info available on the normal internet about this, but on YouTube, the internet for mad people, there’s PLENTY.

Various self-styled authorities believe that the world is slated to end on either September 15 or September 28 next month – caused either by an asteroid, the Large Hadron Collider, or Jesus, to tie in with the ever-popular Blood Moon Prophecy.

 Rumours of impending doom grew so intense in July that NASA stepped in to say there’s definitely no asteroid on the way – so conspiracy theorists now suggest Doomsday might come thanks to the Large Hadron Collider.

YourNewsWire asks, ‘Is CERN the most dangerous thing in the cosmos that could lead to the ultimate destruction of the Earth and the entire universe?’

Spoiler: probably not.