ITV The Chase lawyers forced to come forward and 'intervene' over Bradley Walsh

Lawyers behind the ITV star have stepped in to intervene over the 5pm to 6pm show, according to its presenter and BBC Gladiators star host.
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ITV the Chase lawyers have come forward to "intervene" over host Bradley Walsh and his errors. Lawyers behind the ITV star have stepped in to intervene over the 5pm to 6pm show, according to its presenter and BBC Gladiators star host.

Bradley, who has enjoyed a stint on ITV Coronation Street, explained to Radio Times: “If there is a slight misread, I am stopped immediately, bang, by the lawyers. We have the compliance lawyers in the studio all the time.

“What you have to do is go back to the start of the question, literally on video tape where my mouth opens, or where it’s closed from the previous question, and the question is re-asked. It is stopped to the split second.”


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He commented: “You have to be at such a speed: If you’re a contestant and I go, ‘What’s… the capital… of France…’ they’d be dead and buried in 30 seconds.” Brad is required to ask the contestants a set of questions under a two minute time limit, then do exactly the same for The Chaser, so how accurately and quickly he speaks is a major factor.

The Final Chase is almost always filmed in one go, according to Bradley, but it can be stopped and re-started if the presenter stumbles on a question. The lawyers are always on hand to make sure that this is done in a fair manner - even going back through what they have just filmed.

On average, it takes Bradley 3.6 to 4 seconds to ask a question. There was once a controversial incident where the clock appeared to glitch during a Final Chase back in 2016, leaving viewers fuming. Mark 'The Beast' Labbett appeared to get an extra second when the timer froze on 10 seconds and then went back up to 11.