ITV The Chase's Bradley Walsh shut down by contestant after sharing favourite restaurant

A photograph of Paul Sinha, The Sinnerman, who was furious on Friday's episode of The Chase

Bradley Walsh was shut down by a contestant on The Chase in an interaction that left viewers confused. The awkward interaction came as contestant, Su spoke to host Bradley Walsh on the ITV game show about his favourite restaurant.

The Chase sees four new contestants face one of the UK's best and most knowledgeable quizmasters. After three successful contestants returned back to the panel after the Cash Builder round on Friday's episode, fourth contestant Su was next to take on The Sinnerman.

Before they got down to business in the game, Su and Bradley engaged in some small talk as she introduced herself. Su talked about her Indian heritage, and how she enjoys making Indian food at home.


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Bradley Walsh responded by talking about his favourite Indian restaurant. However, she shut him down immediately, as she said: "I don't consider curry an Indian food, I make real Indian food."

Some confused viewers took to social media to comment on the awkward interaction. One said: "Curry's not an Indian food? Eh?" In an attempt to save the conversation with Su, Bradley added: "Well Paul's dad has made me a lovely curry."

Su replied: "That's not Indian, that's Bengali." The comment proved to cause trouble for Su later in the game, as it was now time to face Paul in the chase.


In response to the earlier comment, Paul said Su "accused my dad of lacking authenticity". The Sinnerman decided to be "not generous" in his cash offers, offering her "-£2,000". Sue responded with two words: "Oh, dear."

Viewers flooded to social media to stick up for the angry Chaser. One said: "Don't mess with Paul now Su." More users added: "I felt the same when she attacked Indian food."

The Chase airs weekdays from 5pm on ITV and ITVX.