Killer dad and son caged for combined 48 years after grandad and pals mowed down in revenge crime

Brian Darby (left) and killer father and son Martin and Shaun Breeze (right)
-Credit:Cleveland Police

A van driver who drove straight at a group of friends, killing one of them, has been jailed for life with a minimum term of 32 years.

Martin Breeze, 57, had spent the day taking drugs, before he got into his van and picked up his son Shaun, on the night of February 9. Shaun Breeze, 30, was scared after he had become involved in an altercation with a group of friends who were walking home from the pub in Ingleby Barwick.

Shaun pointed out the group to his dad, and Martin Breeze mounted a kerb on Myton Way in Ingleby Barwick, and drove straight at the group in revenge for chasing his son. Grandad Brian Darby, 60, was carried on the bonnet of Breeze's van before he was thrown off onto the road.


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Mr Darby was declared dead at the scene. Mr Darby's friends, who had been walking home with him after a night at the the 3 Rivers bar, suffered serious injuries.

Brandon Jordan was able to jump out of the way. Will Keates was knocked unconscious; a teenage boy was knocked into the air; and the van ploughed into Brandon's mum Kelly Jordan, before hitting Brian Darby with such speed he was thrown onto the bonnet and carried 150 metres.

Brian Darby, 60 died at the scene
Brian Darby, 60, died at the scene -Credit:Family

Martin Breeze was convicted of Mr Darby's murder, after standing trial in July, last year. He was also found guilty of the attempted murder of the four other people; and perverting the course of justice.


Shaun Breeze appealed his initial convictions - and had one charge - causing grievous bodily harm with intent - overturned. He is guilty of the manslaughter of Mr Darby; three counts of grievous bodily harm; and perverting the course of justice.

On Monday, the father and son stood in the dock as Mr Darby's daughter, Kayleigh Chapman, said that the painful trial her family sat through "could have been avoided if Martin and Shaun Breeze had taken responsibility for what they did".

Ms Chapman said that her dad was "incredible" with her children and that he was "my son's favourite person in the world." She said that her dad was someone who "lit up the room and would go out of his way to talk to people."

Brian Darby's daughter told the court: "My dad was a completely innocent bystander. For us, there is no closure."

Much-loved grandad Brian Darby
Much-loved grandad Brian Darby

Prosecutors and defence teams at Teesside Crown Court agreed that the murder was not pre-meditated. Shaun Breeze had been out on his push bike, buying more cocaine, when he cycled into Kelly Jordan, on the footpath. Two of the group shouted and swore at Shaun, who shouted back and said he had a knife.


The men chased Shaun Breeze, who came off his bike and rang his dad, in a panic. When Martin Breeze arrived in his Berlingo van minutes later, Shaun Breeze pointed out the group to his dad.

After the collision, the father and son drove off, abandoning the van. Shaun Breeze later rang the police to report that the van had been stolen.

Statements from other victims

Kelly Jordan

Ms Jordan walked to the witness box with a crutch. She said that she had almost lost her life in the incident. She suffered more than 20 fractures and was left in a wheelchair - "which I found humiliating. I needed help just to have a shower."

Ms Jordan said she can no longer walk her dog or go to the gym. She said her 50th birthday plans were cancelled because she was too ill.

"I will never see my closest friend Brian again," she said. Ms Jordan said that her son Brandon "has flashbacks of me screaming", adding: "He has survivors guilt. He replays the moment in his head."


Ending her statement, Ms Jordan looks to the dock and says: "I hope this statement gives Martin and Shaun Breeze a chance to reflect on their actions and think about what they have done."

-Credit:Teesside Live
-Credit:Teesside Live

Will Keates

The court hears that Will Keates committed suicide after the trial. Nick Dry, prosecuting, read out Mr Keates's statement, which he wrote before he died.

He said he has been left with "life-changing injuries that will affect me forever." Mr Keates has "pain and swelling" in his leg and can no longer drive, play sports or go to the gym. He says he blames himself for Brian's death.

Teenage victim

The court hears the statement from a younger victim, who can't be named because of his age. The teen said he felt "suicidal" after the incident and that he suffers from nightmares and flashbacks.

"I find myself thinking about Brian a lot," he said. Mr Darby died at the roadside as the boy tried to help him.


David Lamb tells the court that Martin Breeze admitted causing the death of Mr Darby by dangerous driving - but that he denies intending to kill Mr Darby. The court hears that Breeze senior was a self-employed painter and decorator until 2018, "when his marriage fell apart and Covid came soon after."

Martin Breeze has no previous convictions and he has been held on remand since his arrest, the day after he murdered Mr Darby. For Shaun Breeze, John Elvidge, tells the court that his client "has a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder and a history of anxiety."

Mr Elvidge says that Breeze junior became addicted to some of his prescribed anxiety medication; and to other street drugs.

Shaun Breeze (left) and Martin Breeze (right)
Shaun Breeze (left) and Martin Breeze (right) -Credit:Cleveland Police

'Very likely you will die in prison'

Judge Justice Jacobs told the court: "No words can convey the horrific and unimaginable impact of the events of February 9. Brian Darby lost his life that night.

"His daughter has described how her dad loved and appreciated life. He loved animals and nature, and he was passionate about his job at the RSPB - where he was loved and respected by his colleagues."

He added: "It's accepted that this is not a pre-meditated murder."

A murder investigation has been launched after an incident on Myton Way, Ingleby Barwick
A murder investigation has been launched after an incident on Myton Way, Ingleby Barwick -Credit:Teesside Live

Martin Breeze

The judge told Martin Breeze: "The decision to drive at the group was made on the spur of the moment, when Shaun pointed out the group and you decided to drive at them in revenge. There is only one sentence for murder and that is life. It is very likely that you will die in prison."

Martin Breeze, of Irthing Close in Ingleby Barwick is jailed for life, with a minimum term of 32 years, for the murder of Brian Darby; the attempted murder of Kelly and Brandon Jordan; of Will Keates and of the younger boy; in addition to perverting the course of justice.

Judge Justice Jacobs says that he "is not ordering that Martin Breeze is released at the end of that sentence - that is a matter for probation." Martin Breeze is taken out of court by security and led downstairs to the cells.

Police remain on Myton Way in Ingleby Barwick
Police remain on Myton Way in Ingleby Barwick -Credit:Teesside Live

Shaun Breeze

The judge tells Shaun Breeze that he is "not persuaded that your disorder reduces your culpability." He says that a medical report by Dr Harry Wood is "circumspective" when it states that Shaun Breeze's autism "may have affected his decision making that day."

He tells Breeze: "You assisted your father to drive his van at a group of pedestrians. You knew he had been drinking and taking drugs all day."

Shaun Breeze, of Owls Grove in Ingleby Barwick, is jailed for 16 years for the manslaughter of Mr Darby; for causing grievous bodily harm to Kelly Jordan; Will Keates and the younger boy; and for perverting the course of justice. He will serve two-thirds of his sentence, before being released on licence.

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