Knighthood is a 'fantastic honour' for Sunderland man who was last ever captain of the QE2

QE2 Captain Ian McNaught monitors the Bridge as the QE2 sails to Newcastle from Southampton on her 40th anniversary cruise around Britain in 2007
-Credit: (Image: PA)

A master mariner who followed his father to sea and was the final captain of the QE2 ocean liner has been made a knight.

Captain Sir Ian McNaught, 69, was brought up in Sunderland and completed his maritime qualifications in South Tyneside before embarking on a forty-year career in the Merchant Navy. Then, after a career which took him to the very peak of his profession, he became deputy master and chief executive of Trinity House - a leading charity and a role that meant Princess Anne became his boss.

Trinity House is an organisation dating back to the time of Henry VIII and as well as having responsibility for the lighthouses of the UK, it provides support to seafarers throughout their careers. The charity also advises judges at the Admiralty Court on arcane aspects of martime law.

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Ian, who still lives in Washington with his wife Susan, retired from his full-time this role in February - though continues to assist the charity. He told ChronicleLive: "It's a fantastic honour and it's really incredible recognition for someone who has served in the Merchant Navy."

Trinity House is the general lighthouse authority and it supports seafaring including by funding almshouses for retired seamen, and funding new cadets to achieve their qualifications.

HRH The Princess Royal visiting Longstone Lighthouse and talking to Captain Ian McNaught, the Deputy Master of Trinity House
HRH The Princess Royal visiting Longstone Lighthouse and talking to Captain Ian McNaught, the Deputy Master of Trinity House -Credit:Trinity House

Ian said: "When I came ashore after 40-something years at sea I became the deputy master in November 2011, and I retired from my full-time position in February this year. It's a job that you hear about in the same way as any other - you get a few nudges and go for a few interviews - and I hadn't had a job interview since I'd been 15!

"It's an incredible privilege and was a way of putting something back into the industry that looked after me for all those years. And at the end of the day we are an island nation and continue to depend on ships and seafarers."

After going to sea and working on BP oil tankers, Ian spent years working on the QE2, rising to the position of captain and being in charge of the vessel for its final voyages. He was also at the helm when the ship visited the Tyne during the ship's 40th anniversary round-the-world cruise in 2007.

He was made a Commander of the Royal Victorian Order in 2019, and this has now been upgraded to a knighthood.

Ian said: "The QE2 was a fantastic ship and one we will never see the likes of again. For me to be able to bring her to the river Tyne was amazing. Not many in this industry get to bring their work home with them like that."

Seafaring is in Ian's blood, and he said he felt it was important to shout about the vast opportunities a career on the oceans can bring. He said: "My father went to sea before me, and my son has now gone to sea. And like me he studied all of his certificates in South Tyneside.

"I have of course to thank my family for their years of support. Looking forward, I just think that I'd like people to understand how going to sea remains such a great career option and can lead to so many great things. Still, 95% or our goods come into the country by sea - this remains a momentous industry, a forward-thinking industry and a green industry."