Laceby residents 'insulted' by result of village parking row

-Credit: (Image: LDR)
-Credit: (Image: LDR)

The parking situation in part of Laceby will be monitored monthly, after a contentious council meeting, where a resident stormed out.

A petition on Laceby parking issues, focused on Grimsby Road, Grange Avenue, George Whitgift Close and Trevor Close, had gathered over 120 signatures. A report into the issue was commissioned and independent consultants sought.

The report's recommendations of no further action, other than monitoring for the next 12 months, caused residents to feel "insulted", said one. Laceby Village Council's chair said it felt like villagers had been "dismissed and ignored".

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The portfolio holder for housing, infrastructure and transport, Cllr Stewart Swinburn, who held the meeting, also expressed disappointment with the way things had been handled. He requested to be updated monthly on the parking situation.

The reported issue has become more severe for Grange Avenue area residents since neighbouring George Butler Close got parking restrictions in June 2023, and there are concerns about staff parking related to the nearby Marshall BMW garage. The business does, however, provide parking for staff at the Oaklands Hotel and a pick-up bus

Ros Horsley, speaking on residents' behalf, said they felt "very disappointed, dismissed by statements and insulted by the recommendations". Repeating an Albert Einstein quote, she said: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." There had been a collision in the area, albeit unrecorded.

She argued more restrictive parking on Monday to Friday "would improve road safety, visibility and traffic flow". "If we do nothing, we will be here in 12 months time."

"It's disappointing to say the least," said Laceby Village Council chair Cllr Rhys Childs of the officers' report. "You can't have a solution by doing nothing, or monitoring for another 12 months."

The extension of the double yellow lines at the corner where Grange Road meets Grimsby Road, Laceby, was one option the report considered
The extension of the double yellow lines at the corner where Grange Road meets Grimsby Road, Laceby, was one option the report considered -Credit:LDR

He reported some residents from the Grange Avenue area, largely made up of retired people, said they would be forced to move if it continued. "If they feel forced to move, that's not contributing to safer and stronger communities."

Cars parked close to the junction of Grange Avenue and Grimsby Road created "a blind corner with this wall to wall traffic". Referencing the lack of reported collisions, Mr Childs said they did not want action only after a recorded accident had happened. "We feel like we've been ignored and dismissed by this report."

The council's traffic and transport manager explained the report. It focused on three elements of main concern: Grimsby Road parking opposite the Grange Avenue junction; loading and unloading outside the garage; parking at the Grange Avenue junction.

On April 26, Local Transport Projects, an independent Beverley-based consultancy, met with the officer on site, and provided feedback. On the loading and unloading outside the garage, its management were contacted about residents' concerns, he said. They had indicated they took these into account, though stated "ultimately the delivery drivers are responsible for where they load and unload." There was also an existing traffic regulation order (TRO).

Extending double yellow lines further at the Grange Avenue junction with Grimsby Road was also ruled out. "At the junction, we didn't see anyone parked on a double yellow line," the officer said of a site visit. Resident Les Ward disputed this from the public gallery.

With no reported Grange Avenue collision in the last five years, speed and the peak hour of a one-day assessment counting 29 movements in and out, it was felt "there's very low risk of collision or injury as a result of the current arrangements."

"The existing on-street parking to some extent discourages speed," the officer argued of Grimsby Road parking. He cited faster measured average speeds nearer the garage. It was not felt to offer "substantial traffic benefits" from removing the spaces.

Grange Avenue, Laceby, looking onto Grimsby Road - taken at 12:15pm on May 14
Grange Avenue, Laceby, looking onto Grimsby Road - taken at 12:15pm on May 14 -Credit:LDR

'I do agree there's a problem still'

"I must say, I'm disappointed myself," said Cllr Swinburn. No issues had been resolved and the council had only followed through getting independent advice, as requested by him at a March meeting. "I'm really concerned that we're not doing anything."

Cllr Swinburn asked what legal advice there was on the possibility of an experimental traffic regulation order (TRO), raised as an option by residents.

"With an experimental order, you have to be doing an actual experiment," said the officer. "My thoughts are it probably doesn't fall under the remit of an experiment."

No legal advice had been sought, which Cllr Swinburn requested last time. "Why did we not get that advice? I'm concerned and I'm disappointed that we're not saying what we'd said we'd do."

Twelve months monitoring was "too long". He asked for any updates on a monthly basis. Cllr Swinburn also requested further information about whether an experimental TRO could be introduced.

An impassioned Mr Ward left the meeting, shouting the officer had seen a vehicle on double yellow lines on a site visit. After this, Cllr Swinburn said: "I do agree there's a problem still because I've been out there and looked at it."

He had to follow officers' advice, and the report would be looked at in full. He stated there were elements not in there that he expected.

Earlier, Cllr Swinburn also encouraged residents to report incidents to the police. "If people do not report it to police, it will not be on data that it's a concern." This included to report near-misses via the council's Town and Liaison Committee and their village council representative.