Lanark slimmer in dreamland after incredible weight loss
A slimmer from Lanark has achieved her weight loss dream losing 5st 5.5lb loss thanks to her Slimming World Group.
Penny Bracken said she had always struggled with her weight and became less mobile due to a degenerative condition to the point she could not walk unaided.
She said: “Being less mobile made me gain so much more weight. I became extremely depressed and couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror.
“I lost friends due to cancelling dates constantly due to low self esteem. I wanted to lose weight but didn’t have the motivation because the more depressed I felt the more I ate and it was a vicious circle.
“In January 2024, I saw my surgeon who suggested I lost a couple of pounds before surgery. This was the kick in the butt I needed.
“I saw it as a challenge to become a new me - weight loss and the potential to walk unaided again.”
Penny started attending her local Slimming World group with the goal of losing four stone and get into a healthy BMI and weight.
As well as enjoying Slimming World meals, Penny also decided to make a lifestyle change regarding alcohol.
She continued: “The biggest challenge I overcome for me was alcohol. I was a big wine drinker.
“Opening a bottle of red wine every night and quite easily finishing it too.
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“I had never realised this had such a big impact on calorie intake. I swapped wine for gin and slim line tonic and have never looked back.
“I have loved trying loads of new things and cooking things fresh from scratch.
“My children have loved the meals and enjoyed getting involved in buying the food and making it too.
“It’s allowed them to try new things and also made my older girls have a good relationship with food. It’s changed the whole family to be honest.
“We tend to eat more together now, trying new things all the time and always eat healthy with a balanced number of treats.”
Losing 5st 5.5lbs has led to Penny feeling she has got her independence back.
She added: “I wasn’t able to walk around any kind of shop and struggled from my back door to the car even.
“I would always need to be pushed in a wheelchair and get everyone to shop for me.
“Now although I’m still in significant pain with my conditions I can now go into the shops with aids and shop.
“I can walk easier and manage more day to day activities.
“I have also noticed that my asthma is more controlled and I rarely take inhalers anymore and my horrific snoring no longer exists.
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“But the biggest change to my health is that my consultant says I am more than fit enough for hip replacement surgery and intact in fact I am able to have both hips replaced at the same time which wasn’t even an option before.
“It’s also changed my mental health. I sleep better and my mood has lifted.
I’ve broken life long habits and had a couple of disappointments along the way but it’s been a journey and I’ve loved the challenge I set myself. I love the fact that group has always been there for me for support and friendship.”
To join the Lanark Slimming World group simply pop along or call Lian on 07748 845684 for more information.
The group meets every Tuesday at 9.30am, 11am, 5.30pm or 7pm as well as Saturday’s at 8.30am in St Mary’s Clubrooms, Lanark.
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