Large portions and forcing kids to finish meals could be fuelling obesity, warns study

A young child is weighed on scales
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Large food portions for children may be contributing to the UK's obesity crisis, with over a third of parents insisting their children always finish their meals, according to nutritionists.

A recent survey conducted by the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) revealed that 37% of parents always or often make their children eat everything on their plate, while an additional 23% sometimes insist on this. Almost half (48%) of parents reported their children have second helpings at least once a week, and many rely on their own estimates when determining portion sizes for their children.

The YouGov poll, which surveyed 1,065 parents of children under 18, also found that 32% only sometimes or rarely feel confident about choosing the right amount of food, with 63% feeling confident. The survey further discovered that 7% of parents with children aged four and under and 11% of those with children aged five to 11 serve their children the same portion sizes as they do themselves. Meanwhile, 15% measure portions while 14% follow package instructions.


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When considering how much their children should eat, 51% of parents said they judge portion sizes based on how much their children usually eat, while 16% let their children serve their own portions.

Bridget Benelam, nutrition communications manager for the BNF, said: “In England, about a quarter of adults are living with obesity and 37.9% are classified as overweight, while over a fifth of 10 to 11-year-old children are classified as living with obesity. Research has shown that large portions of food encourage both adults and children to eat more, so getting portion sizes right is an important element of having a balanced diet that supports a healthy body weight.”

A significant 88% of parents reported their children snacking between meals at least once a week, with 38% doing so daily. Additionally, 77% of parents stated their children have dessert or pudding after meals at least once a week, with 18% enjoying it daily and 17% having it between four to six days a week.


Overall, 28% of parents expressed a need for guidance on determining suitable portion sizes for their children, while 46% felt they did not require such assistance. Ms Benelam advised: "As a rule, children need portion sizes that reflect their body size and calorie requirements, so we’re encouraging parents to check the portion sizes they are serving to their children. One way to get an idea of proportions is to compare yours and your child’s hands."

"For example, for baked potatoes we suggest a potato approximately the size of a fist, which will be larger for an adult, smaller for a younger child. If in doubt, start small and offer second helpings if your child is still hungry."

For specific information about portion sizes, parents can visit the British Nutrition Foundation’s website at: https://www.nutrition.orgU.K./creating-a-healthy-diet/portion-sizes/.