Latest public notices for the Liverpool City Region
Councils across the Liverpool City Region have issued a series of public notices in the past seven days. These are important documents keeping citizens across the local authority areas informed of their decision making.
From planning applications, to bins, to parking, councils are duty bound to make a public record of their intentions and plans which could affect communities. You can read more about the movements being made in your area on the Public Notice Portal here.
This week changes include new planning applications in Wirral, licensing applications across the Liverpool City Region, traffic orders, land disposals, and election expenses.
The following applications have been made to the City Council and are required to be advertised under the above Acts.
24F/1991 286-316 Scotland Road, Everton, Liverpool (5) Applicant Aspire Studios and Local Solutions. To change use of northern part of the building, erect a single storey rooftop extension to form a Sui Generis House of Multiple Occupation (39 bedrooms/39 persons) with shared communal facilities) across all floors, refuse storage and cycle parking at rear and carry out associated various internal and external works. To continue to use the existing Sui Generis Local Solutions young persons supported accommodation (32 bedrooms and communal rooms) and its associated support hub, offices and staff facilities, to be reconfigured to occupy the southern part of building (all floors).
24F/1916 Liverpool Central & Northern Docks (Bramley Moore, Nelson, Salisbury, Collingwood, Trafalgar, Clarence Graving, West Waterloo, Princes Half Tide & Princes Docks) (3). Applicant Chris Capes (Peel L P Developments Limited). Section 73 Planning Application to vary conditions 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 28, 29, 36, 37, 40, 41, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 71, 76 and Schedules 1-7 attached to planning ref 10O/2424 (The outline planning permission for the mixed use development known as Liverpool Waters).
24F/1166 & 24L/1648 - St Gabriels Gatehouse, Beaconsfield Road (25) Applicant A. Kong, Leo Liverpool Trading Limited. To extend and refurbish St Gabriels Lodge to create a single dwelling, carry out landscaping work to create 2 no. parking spaces, refurbish existing gate and railings, erect external terrace and alter wall and driveway.
24F/1958 - Former Fold Hill Foods Factory, Sandy Lane Applicant Mr Andy Garnett (Breck Homes) To erect 59no. dwellings, with associated landscaping and infrastructure, following demolition of existing building.
24H/1733 - 98a Allerton Road (25) Applicant Elizabeth James. To replace side and rear windows
24F/1925 - Cains Brewery Village, Stanhope Street (8) Applicant Harj Dusanj. Retrospective planning application for the installation of shipping containers, seating/tables and bin store to facilitate the continued use of the site as a food, drink and entertainment venue (Use Class E(a), Use Class E(b)/Sui Generis)
24F/1995 & 24L/1997 - Lyceum Building, Bold Street (1) Applicant Arc Inspirations Ltd. Application for a change of use from a commercial unit (Use Class E) to a Bar and Kitchen (Use Class Sui Generis) facilitated by new mezzanine floor with stairs and lift and fit out works throughout building, with installation of external lighting, replacement of doors and windows and creation of no. 1 new doorway.
24F/1999 & 24L/2000 - Produce Exchange, 6a Victoria Street (2) Applicant Turtle Bay Hospitality Limited. To undertake internal alterations in connection with new shopfront to rear following removal of rear shutters and gate.
24L/1986 - Royal Albert Dock (3) Applicant Mr. Loftus. To install new lighting throughout Albert Dock walkways following removal of existing lighting units and string lights.
The applications can be viewed at
Any comments you want to make must be received by August 29 and can be made online or in writing to the Director of Planning & Building Control, Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1AH. In the event of an appeal against a refusal of planning permission, for a householder application only, which is to be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing, any representations made about this application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage. Please note that any comments sent can be seen by members of the public, including the applicant.
Notice is hereby given that Ekta Rai has applied for a premises licence to Liverpool City Council in relation to Pinch of East, 28A-28D Gateacre Brow, Liverpool, L25 3PB
To permit the provision of the following licensable activities: Retail Sale of alcohol for consumption On the premises Monday to Sunday midday to 10.30pm.
You can view a record of the application and make a representation on it using the following link, alternatively ring 0151 233 3015 to request a call-back for an appointment to view the application.
Representation can also be made by post to – Liverpool City Council, Licensing and Public Protection, Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1AH.
Representations must be received no later than August 29. It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application. A person is liable to an unlimited fine on conviction should such a false statement be made.
Miss T Vinayagamoorthy has applied for a new premises licence at 140 Hartsbourne Avenue, Liverpool L25 1PZ to allow alcohol sales (for consumption off the premises) 6am to 11pm daily.
The application can be inspected at the Licensing Authority, Liverpool Council, Cunard Buildings, Water St, L3 1AH Mon-Fri 9am-5pm or at
Any person wishing to make representations must do so in writing to the Licensing Authority by August 26. It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application punishable with a maximum fine of £5000 on summary conviction.
Muhammed Hanif has applied for a variation of a Premises Licence for 94-96 Lawrence Road, L15 0EQ for the following licensable activities to extend the hours for the sale of alcohol until 2am daily, deliveries only after midnight.
You can view a record of the application and make a representation on it at, alternatively ring 233 3015 to request a call-back for an appointment to view the application. Representation can also be made by post to Liverpool City Council, Licensing and Public Protection, Cunard, Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1AH.
Representations must be received no later than August 27. It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application punishable with an unlimited fine on summary conviction.
Mr M Kuperan has applied for a premises licence at 6 High Street, Wavertree, Liverpool L15 8HG to allow alcohol sales (for consumption off the premises) 9am to midnight daily and late night refreshment to 2am daily.
The application can be inspected at the Licensing Authority, Liverpool Council, Cunard Buildings, Water St, L3 1AH Mon-Fri 9am-5pm or at
Any person wishing to make representations must do so in writing to the Licensing Authority by August 30. It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application punishable with a maximum fine of £5000 on summary conviction.
Land disposal:
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 123 Local Government Act 1972 (as amended by section 118 Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980) of the Council’s intention to dispose of public open space land located at Thirlmere Road, Everton, Liverpool.
Persons wishing to view the plan of the land described above between the hours of 9.00a.m. and 5.00p.m. Monday to Friday should contact the address shown below to arrange inspection or email propertymanagementgeneral@
Any representations or objections with respect to the disposal should be made in writing to the Property and Development Team, Legal Services, 5th Floor, Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1AH (quoting reference Legal/MH/L12514) no later than 10am on August 30. Please state the grounds on which any representation or objection is made.
Election notice:
NOTICE is hereby given that returns and declarations as to candidates’ election expenses, including accompanying documents, for election to the Wirral Parliamentary Constituency areas of Birkenhead, Wallasey, and Wirral West on Wirral on July 4 will be available for inspection.
Any person wishing to inspect the documents may do so, free of charge between the hours of 10am-4pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) as from Monday August 19 for a period of two years.
The documents will be held at Birkenhead Town Hall, Hamilton Square, CH41 5EU. Any person wishing to make an appointment to inspect the documents should contact the Electoral Services Team at or by telephoning 0151 691 8046.
Kajeepan Rajakulasingam has applied to Wirral Borough Council to vary a Premises Licence in respect of the premises known as: RK NEWSAGENT Of 133 Cleveland Street, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 3QD for the following Licensable Activities, the sale of alcohol from Monday to Saturday 7am to 11pm, Sunday 10am to 11pm. A full copy of the above application is kept by the Licensing Authority, Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey. The application can be viewed Monday to Friday 10.00am to 4.30pm except bank holidays.
Any person wishing to make representation in respect of the application must do so in writing to the Licensing Authority, Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey no later than August 29. It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application. The maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for making a false statement is a Level 5 fine on the standard scale.
Stopping up order:
The Secretary of State gives notice of the proposal to make an Order under section 247 of the above Act to authorise the stopping up of an irregular shaped area of highway verge to the north of Marsh Lane at Bootle in the Metropolitan Borough of Sefton.
If made, the Order would authorise the stopping up only to enable development as permitted by The Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, under appeal reference APP/M4320/Z/23/3321043.
Copies of the draft Order and relevant plan will be available for inspection during normal opening hours at Bootle Library, 220 Stanley Road, Bootle, L20 3EN in the 28 days commencing on August 7, and may be obtained, free of charge, from the addresses stated below quoting NATTRAN/NW/S247/5735.
Any person may object to the making of the proposed order by stating their reasons in writing to the Secretary of State at or National Transport Casework Team, Tyneside House, Skinnerburn Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7AR, quoting the above reference. Objections should be received by midnight on September 4. You are advised that your personal data and correspondence will be passed to the applicant/ agent to enable your objection to be considered. If you do not wish your personal data to be forwarded, please state your reasons when submitting your objection.
The Secretary of State gives notice of an Order made under Section 247 of the above Act entitled “The Stopping up of Highway (North West) (No. 36) Order 2024” authorising the stopping up of a southern part width of Coppull Road at Lydiate, in the Borough of Sefton. This is to enable development as permitted by Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities under appeal reference APP/M4320/W/23/3320676.
Copies of the Order may be obtained, free of charge, from the Secretary of State, National Transport Casework Team, Tyneside House, Skinnerburn Road, Newcastle Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7AR or (quoting NATTRAN/NW/ S247/5676). They may also be inspected during normal opening hours at Meadows (Maghull Library), Hall Lane, Maghull, L31 7BB.
Any person who wishes to challenge the validity of the decision to make the Order may apply to the High Court within six weeks from August 16.
Notice is hereby given that MF Trading Ltd of 10 Derby Street, Prescott L34 3LG applied on July 30 to Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council in respect of the premises to be known as Scandals Adult World of 304 Derby Road, Bootle, L20 8LN. Under the provisions of the Local Government
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982, for a Licence to use the premises referred to above as; i) a sex shop. During the intended opening hours of 9am to 8pm Monday to Saturday (inclusive) and 10am to 6pm Sundays and Bank Holidays.
Any person wishing to object to this application should make such objection in writing to Head of Highways and Public Protection, Magdalen House, 30 Trinity Road, Bootle L20 3NJ, No later than 28 days after the date of the application stating the grounds of the objection.
ETTA’S BAR & COFFEE of 40 School Lane, Litherland, L21 7LZ has applied to Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council for a premises licence.
The sale of coffee, alcohol, and food proposed to be carried on or from the premises are set out as follows : Monday 8am to 10.30pm and alcohol served from 1pm daily. Other proposed hours include 8am to 10.30pm Tuesday to Thursday, 8am to 11pm Friday and Saturday, and 8am to 10.30pm on Sundays.
This application can be inspected in person at the below postal address (weekdays 09.00 to 15.00 by appointment) or on Sefton Council’s Website at Any representations to the application shall be in writing and should be lodged with the Licensing Authority, Sefton MBC, Magdalen House, 30 Trinity Road, Bootle, L20 3NJ, stating the terms of the grounds of the said representation, not later than September 6.
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application. A person is liable to an unlimited fine on conviction should such a false statement be made.
Traffic order:
Notice is hereby given that Halton Borough Council intends to make, not less than seven days from the date of this Notice, an Order under Section 14(1) Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
Road(s) affected: Devonshire Place, Runcorn
Date Order to come into effect: August 31
Alternative Routes: where available suitably signed alternative route(s) will be provided.
Note: the closure is for the installation of High Voltage electrical cables and is expected to be over a period of approximately two days. For further information please contact: 03300 587400.
Notice is hereby given that Halton Borough Council has made an Order under Section 14(1) Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
Road(s) affected: Shelley Road, Widnes
Date Order to come into effect: August 20
Alternative Routes: No alternative routes are available. Access will be maintained for residents and emergency vehicles as required.
Note: the closure is for Scottish Power to replace a transformer.
The actual closures are expected to be over a period of approximately 3 days. For further information please contact: 03300 531860.
Reason for making the Orders: the Council is satisfied that traffic on the roads should be prohibited and/or restricted because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the roads.
Effect of the Orders: during such times and to such extent as shall from time to time be indicated by traffic signs, no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to enter or proceed in or along the roads.
Maximum duration of the Orders: 18 months from the date the Orders come into effect.
Notice is hereby given that Halton Borough Council intends to make, not less than seven days from the date of this Notice, an Order under Section 14(1) Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
Road(s) affected: High Street, Runcorn
Effect of the Order: during such times and to such extent as shall from time to time be indicated by traffic signs no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to enter or proceed in or along the road.
Date Order to come into effect: August 27
Note: the closure is for the installation of High Voltage electrical cables and is expected to be over a period of approximately 2 weeks. For further information please contact: 03300 587400.
Notice is hereby given that Halton Borough Council intends to make, not less than seven days from the date of this Notice, an Order under Section 14(1) Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
Road(s) affected: Norton Lane, Runcorn
Effect of the Order: during such times and to such extent as shall from time to time be indicated by traffic signs no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to enter or proceed in or along the road.
Date Order to come into effect: August 27
Note: the closure is to clear blockages in the carriageway and is expected to be over a period of approximately 3 days, from 27 August 2024 to 29 August 2024. For further information please contact: 0151 547 8800.
Notice is hereby given that Halton Borough Council intends to make, not less than seven days from the date of this Notice, an Order under Section 14(1) Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
Road(s) affected: Moorfield Road, Widnes - outside number 256
Effect of the Order: during such times and to such extent as shall from time to time be indicated by traffic signs, no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to enter or proceed in or along the road and no person shall during the works period enter or proceed in or along the road.
Date Order to come into effect: August 26
Note: the closure is to allow for duct installation and is expected to be over a period of approximately 5 days. For further information please contact: 03700 500792.
Notice is hereby given that Halton Borough Council intends to make, not less than seven days from the date of this Notice, an Order under Section 14(1) Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
Road(s) affected: Barrows Green Lane, Widnes - from the corner of 278 Derby Road to outside Liberty Court.
Effect of the Order: during such times and to such extent as shall from time to time be indicated by traffic signs, no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to enter or proceed in or along the road and no person shall during the works period enter or proceed in or along the road.
Date Order to come into effect: August 22
Note: the closure is to clear two blockages and is expected to be over a period of 4 days, from August 22 to August 25.
Election notice:
Notice is hereby given that returns and declarations as to candidates' election expenses, including accompanying documents, for election to the St Helens Parliamentary Constituency areas of St Helens North and St Helens South and Whiston on July 4 will be available for inspection.
Any person wishing to inspect the documents may do so, free of charge between the hours of 10am-4pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) as from August 19 for a period of two years.
The documents will be held at St Helens Town Hall, Victoria Square, St Helens WA10 1HP. Any person wishing to make an appointment to inspect the documents should contact the Electoral Services Team at or by telephoning 01744 676464.
Traffic order:
Notice is hereby given that the St Helens Borough Council made an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as Amended), the effect of which will be to:
The Council of the Borough of St Helens (Chalon Way West and Foundry Street) (Revocations, Prohibition of Entry, One-Way Traffic, Prohibition of Waiting, Prohibition of Loading, and Designation of Disabled Parking Bay Order 2002 is hereby suspended, in-so-far-as it relates to the lengths of road and restrictions specified in Schedule 1 below.
To prohibit any vehicle from proceeding along Chalon Way West Eastbound and Westbound Service Roads, for their entire lengths.
Schedule – One-Way Traffic
Road | Length | Direction of Travel |
New Service Road to the north of Chalon Way West | For its entire length | From west to east |
New Service Road to the south of Chalon Way West | For its entire length | From west to east |
The Order will come into force from August 19, and will have a maximum duration of eighteen months, or the earlier completion of the works proposed.
The reason for making this Order is to safely enable the town centre improvement works.
Notice is hereby given that St. Helens Borough Council propose not less than seven days from the date of this notice to make an order under the provisions of Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as Amended), the effect of which will be that no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to proceed in either direction along A58 Linkway East from Cannington Roundabout to Parr Street Roundabout, as and when directed by road traffic signs on-site.
The Order will come into force on August 12, and will have a maximum duration of eighteen months, but will terminate on completion of the works, which is expected to be four weeks of nights between 19:00pm and 06;00am.
The alternative route will be via Peasley Cross Lane, Sherdley Road, A570 James Roby Way and vice versa. The reason for making this Order is to facilitate refurbishment works at Steve Prescott Bridge.