Leave Campaign Wipes Website Homepage After Brexit Win


The ‘Vote Leave’ campaign has wiped its homepage following its win in last week’s EU referendum.

The homepage has been replaced with a static banner featuring a note of thanks for Leave supporters. The message reads: “Thank you. It’s because of everyone involved, all across the country, that we achieved this magnificent result. This is your victory”.

The voteleavetakecontrol.org website’s content hasn’t been wiped from the web completely - it can still be found using an internet search. However, the lack of a homepage makes the campaign material, harder to find.

The ditched homepage was first pointed out by Guardian reporter Alice Ross on Twitter.

Before it was wiped, the homepage featured the words: “We should stop sending £350 million per week to unelected politicians in Brussels, and spend our money on our priorities, like the NHS.”

While the site didn’t actually claim that the money would definitely be spent on the country’s health service, critics argue that it strongly implied that it would be and this was central to the Brexiters’ campaign.

The site now features the thank you message over an image of the Leave camp’s key campaigners addressing a crowd in front of a promotional bus.

The statement about potentially re-routing £350m of EU funds to the NHS was emblazoned on a bus during the run-up to the referendum.

The picture on the website’s homepage shows a variation on the slogan, with the words: “We send the EU $50 million a day”.

The second line of the slogan, referring to the NHS is impossible to read as the bus door is open, obscuring the text.

Following its win, the Leave campaign has faced accusations of backtracking on its promises.

UKIP’s Nigel Farage’s admitted in the hours following the victory, that the pledge to give the £350 million to the NHS was a ‘mistake’.

Conservative MEP and prominent pro-Brexit campaigner Dan Hannan later admitted that free movement could result in similar levels of immigration after Brexit, despite the fact that restricting immigration was one of the campaign’s key issues.

Image credit: Vote Leave