Leicestershire council buys 16 homes to rent out for 'affordable' social housing

Leader of Charnwood Borough Council, Councillor Jewel Miah, and its lead member for planning and housing, Councillor Colin Hamilton, at the Jubilee Rise development in Shepshed
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

A Leicestershire council has bought 16 homes on two newly developed sites to use as 'affordable' rented social housing. Charnwood Borough Council has added the properties in Shepshed to its existing stock of approximately 5,500 homes.

It has acquired six, four-bedroom homes on the Jubilee Rise development, off Ashby Road West. It has also taken on 10, one, two and three-bedroom homes on a second development site, in Oakley Road.

Councillor Colin Hamilton, the authority's lead member for planning and housing, said: "It is vital that more housing is made available to the public. I am pleased that the council has managed to acquire these properties in Shepshed.


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"There is a need for additional affordable rental properties within the borough, and the acquisition of the properties will increase the council's housing stock and contribute to meeting the need for affordable rental properties within the borough. It is important that we work with developers to ensure that affordable housing is provided for our residents and that local services are receiving funding when development takes place."

The properties at Jubilee Rise have recently been completed. The properties in Oakley Road are expected to be completed between May and June this year. All 16 homes will be owned and managed by the council and made available to tenants at 'social rent levels', the council said.


The Jubilee Rise homes are due to be available for members of the public who are on the council's housing register to bid on through the council's website between from now until Tuesday, January 21. Over the past five years, the council has acquired 54 extra homes and now manages around 5,500 properties in the borough.

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