Leicestershire park plan to be debated amid controversial parking charge proposals

Entrance to Bouskell Park
-Credit: (Image: Google)

Plans to upgrade the entrance to a Leicestershire park at the centre of controversial parking charge proposals are set to be debated next week. Bouskell Park closed for renovation work earlier this month despite the fact a ruling on the upgrades is still needed.

Many are unhappy with the proposals for the Blaby park, which will see the entrance widened and new gates installed. Clearly marked bays, extra accessible parking spaces, low level lighting and a durable, stable new surface are also proposed to be added.

However, these pale in comparison to the controversial parking charge plans for Bouskell Park. Blaby District Council, which is responsible for the park, says these charges would “help contribute towards the cost of maintaining and enhancing the park" if introduced.

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The planned upgrades have been overshadowed by the possible new charges, with objectors to the planning application going to committee next week citing them as part of their reasoning. One person said “no one has any intention of paying parking fees”, with some expressing concern drivers will just leave their cars elsewhere.

Objectors claimed people would “park on other streets and clog up roads and cemetery car park” and make the surrounding streets more “dangerous”. However, planning officers said the proposed new charge was not “material to the consideration of this application”, saying councillors should “solely” consider matters around access.

Further concerns were raised by residents about the impact on road safety. One commenter feared the wider junction will make the junction with Welford Road and Freer Close more dangerous. Another said the current entrance “slows vehicles down when entering and exiting” which they considered a positive.

A road safety audit has not been included in officers’ consideration of the scheme. They said they were still “awaiting” this from the council, and members of the planning committee will be “updated” on that and any response to it from Leicestershire County Council as the highways authority at the meeting.

Some residents have also accused the council of “wasting money” on improving “what already works okay”. One felt the council was “not working in interests of its residents”.

Ultimately, planning officers have recommended the scheme be approved. Councillors will meet next week to debate and issue a ruling on the plan.