Lincoln woman has 'changed her life' after losing almost 12 stone in nine months

Jasmin has found a new love for Zumba classes and clothes shopping
-Credit:Jasmin Hartmann

A woman from Lincoln says her life has been changed after losing nearly 12 stone in the last year. Jasmin Hartmann says it was in the lead up to her 30th birthday in April 2024 that she decided to lose weight after looking in the mirror one morning and feeling "ashamed".

The 30-year-old said: "The final straw for me was a simple look in the mirror one morning, being ashamed at what was looking back, knowing that I was about to approach the 30 year milestone." Jasmin had been diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome which meant she had "a very little chance" of having her own children and that there was "no help out there" due to the BMI range she was in.

Jasmin, who works as a head chef for an elderly dementia residential care home, added: "I knew I needed some support and reached out to my local Slimming World group." She says the night before she joined she felt "anxious and overwhelmed" but as soon as she walked through the doors she realised she was "no longer alone."


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Jasmin before her weight loss journey
Jasmin before her weight loss journey -Credit:Jasmin Hartmann

Jasmin added: "I soon got the realisation that I'm no longer alone; that there is a room of people that all feel the same as me, with similar insecurities and struggles, all with the same goals and aspirations of change. After joining that evening, I felt relieved that I had done it but also determined that this time I will not give up on myself again."

It was around a month into her weight loss journey that Jasmin says she got a "true sense of determination" and that what she wanted was achievable. She followed a meal plan but became more confident as she went on in swapping items and checking menus before going out.


Less than a year later Jasmin has lost an incredible 11 stone and 13 pounds. The 30-year-old explained that she had tried to lose weight "many times before" but always gave up and regained more than she began with.

She says the Slimming World group were her "personal cheerleaders." Jasmin stated: "The groups are filled with inspiring people with personal stories of their own personal struggles and achievements.

Jasmin says the weight loss has changed her life
Jasmin says the weight loss has changed her life -Credit:Jasmin Hartmann

"Every achievement is celebrated and gave me a true sense of self-worth, making me want to make my new found comrads proud and to help them to keep pushing forwards too." Jasmin says she has always loved to dance but found it hard to dance carefree due to her size and that she "felt too big to join in with group classes."

However, she has now become a regular at Zumba classes, stating: "After I had started to lose the pounds my confidence grew and I no longer was intimidated to join in and haven't stopped dancing since. I fell in love with Zumba and will continue to shimmy and shake."


When asked if there was anything she could do now that she couldn't before, Jasmin replied: "I can go clothes shopping in any clothing store, before I would have to scour the streets for a shop that would sell big girl sizes. Being a size 24/26 this was very difficult, with most clothes being unflattering, old or just plain boring and made shopping for clothes very difficult and depressing.

Jasmin has lost 11 stone and 13 pounds since joining Slimming World
Jasmin has lost 11 stone and 13 pounds since joining Slimming World -Credit:Jasmin Hartmann

"For many years I only shopped online. I have recently fallen back in love with going into a shop and finding my size on any rail full of vibrancy, flattering fits and dressing my my age." She continued: "Weight loss has changed my life significantly.

"I walk around with confidence and self-worth with my head held high. I have learned to love myself again and no longer hiding in the shadows, quiet and alone, instead of pushing people away, I embrace every interaction.

"I am fitter, stronger and now at a medically suitable BMI which will help me venture into getting the help I need with my PCOS for starting the family I have always wanted." Jasmin's Slimming World consultant, Rachel, said "Jasmin is such an inspiration to all the members and me personally.

"Her determination and dedication are admirable and we are all so incredibly proud of her and her life-changing achievement."