'Loads of armed police' as two men seen with 'rifle' arrested

Knowsley Heights, Huyton
-Credit:Liverpool Echo

Armed police surrounded a street after two men were spotted with a 'rifle' in Huyton. Emergency services were called to Knowsley Heights on Primrose Drive following an unconfirmed report of firearm possession at around 4.55pm today, Wednesday January 22.

Two men were detained and arrested on suspicion of possession of a firearm. The firearms incident has since been stood down and a search is ongoing, police said.

A witness at the scene said they saw "loads of armed police" surrounding the block of flats earlier this evening. A spokesperson for Merseyside Police said: "We can confirm that officers are in Huyton following an unconfirmed report of firearm possession this afternoon, Wednesday 22 January.


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"At around 4.55pm, armed officers were called to Knowsley Heights on Primrose Drive to a report of males being seen in possession of a rifle.

"Two men were detained at the scene. They have been arrested on suspicion of possession of a firearm. A search is ongoing and the firearms incident has been stood down."

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