Lochrutton SWI members enjoy hands-on Christmas craft making demonstration

Cup winners Judith Sauberlich and Jean Davidson
-Credit: (Image: Reach Publishing Services Limited)

The November meeting of Lochrutton SWI was also the AGM.

Linda McTurk welcomed everyone including Carol and Anne from Shawhead SWI who had come along as tellers for the committee count.

She proceeded to give the President’s report, intimating how well the institute had done, in particular, joining in competitions and winning cups. She then thanked her fellow committee members for their enthusiasm and the “super” institute members. This was followed by Judith’s secretary’s report and Jean’s treasurer’s report. Business for the future was then discussed.

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The cup winners were then announced and congratulated. Linda McTurk presented the cups and led a round of applause.

Points Cup – 1 Judith Sauberlich; 2 Jean Davidson; 3 Anita Gilmour.

Most Entries Cup – 1 Jean Davidson; 2 Judith Sauberlich; 3 Anita Gilmour.

While next year’s committee was formed, Anne McLauchlan led a Hands On Crafting demonstration when members made snow flake Christmas decorations. Anne provided all the bases and beautiful beads to decorate it and everyone, young and old, thoroughly enjoyed it.

Sally Ogston and Emma Hill showing off their snowflakes
Sally Ogston and Emma Hill showing off their snowflakes -Credit:D&G Standard

Linda thanked Anne very much for sharing her knowledge and skill and this was followed by a delicious tea and homemade cakes and tray bakes after which Linda closed the meeting by welcoming in the new committee.

Competition results:

Gift wrapped box of biscuits (to be donated) – 1 Suzanne Stuart; 2 Jean Davidson; 3 Anita Gilmour.

Hand crafted Christmas card – 1 Lindsay Greene; 2 Jan Renwick; 3 Anita Gilmour; 4 Judith Sauberlich.

The next meeting will be the Christmas dinner at The Galloway Arms on December 10.