
What is 'loud quitting' and 'rage applying'? The latest workplace trends in 2023

If 2022 was characterised by quiet quitting, 2023 is shaping up to be brasher as loud quitting and rage applying elbow their way on to the scene.

Both trends have gone viral on TikTok as Gen-Zers and younger millennials share stories of successfully using the tactics to get promotions, pay rises and new jobs.

But what do the strategies actually involve and are they really a good idea? Here's everything you need to know.

First quiet quitting, now loud quitting - what does it all mean?

The latter half of 2022 was full of people "quiet quitting" their jobs (at least if TikTok was anything to go by, anyway).

It became enough of a zeitgeist for Collins Dictionary to name the phrase among its words of the year.

Quiet quitting involves working to your job description - meeting the requirements, but not going above and beyond. No unpaid overtime, emails at weekend or lunch al desko.

In a similar vein, loud quitting doesn't actually involve leaving your job. Instead, it involves talking loudly and openly about looking elsewhere for work, using the prospect of leaving as a negotiation tactic.

And what is rage applying?

Rage applying is the process of firing off your CV at dozens of companies with the aim of getting out of your current job as quickly as possible - and ideally getting a hefty pay rise in the process.

Do they work?

Career coach Alice Stapleton explains that, executed well, loud quitting and rage applying can both get you what you want.

She said: "Loud quitting can work if you negotiate in a mature way and keep the communication channels open.

"Rage applying can give you the motivation to finally apply for roles, which you may have been putting off for a while."

What are the risks?

The fact things can go well doesn't mean they will. If you're thinking of loud quitting, be warned that your employer might simply not be able to meet your demands - leaving you to see through your threat whether you wanted to or not.

Ms Stapleton explains the potential pitfalls: "Many line managers prefer to be consulted before they're held over a barrel, so the tactic may backfire simply out of principle.

"You then risk damaging the relationship if you change your mind, or you need a reference in the future."

When it comes to rage applying, she says not tailoring applications or giving much thought to the application is likely to limit the success of the approach.

It could also hurt you in the long term. She said: "If little consideration is given to whether you actually want the role you're applying for, you're likely to pull out of the application process at some point, annoying the hiring partner or recruiter in the process, damaging that relationship permanently."

How should you approach loud quitting or rage applying?

If you're tempted to try your luck with loud quitting or rage applying, Ms Stapleton's advice is to talk to your line manager before things get emotionally charged, without the threat of you leaving clouding discussions.

Gather information on what other people doing your role are being paid and make a case for why you believe a promotion is reasonable.

"My other piece of advice would be to not take things so personally too. Work is work. Situations are very rarely personal. If you feel disrespected or undervalued, talk about it - don't let it fester.

"It may well be that you'd be valued more elsewhere, and it's time to move on, and that's fine - there's no need to bring drama or personal emotion into it."