M69 in Leicestershire to shut for two weekends
Drivers are being warned that two weekend closures of the M69 in Leicestershire will be taking place this month while resurfacing work is carried out. Each weekend closure will begin at 9pm on the Friday and continue until 6am on the Monday, affecting the southbound side only - for traffic heading from Leicester towards Hinckley and Coventry.
The scheme is already under way, with night-time closures happening regularly to allow work to take place. The project by National Highways will lead to a smoother road surface from the M1 at Leicester to the M6 near Coventry. As well as resurfacing, the white lining will have to be repainted and road studs replaced where necessary.
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National Highways said the weekend closures were necessary for the safety of the workers during the main resurfacing job, which could take more than just the two weekends scheduled.
The full closures of the southbound carriageway will take place:
From 9pm on Friday August 16, until 6am on Monday, August 19
From 9pm on Friday August 30, until 6am on Monday, September 2
A third weekend closure may also be required on a date to be confirmed. Fully signed diversion routes, agreed with the local authorities, will be in place during the closures.
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