Macron to unveil plans for Europe

A week after making his first address at the UN general assembly, French President Emmanuel Macron is to unveil his vision for Europe. Later on Tuesday Macron will set out in detail how he wants to revive an EU blighted by Brexit, as well as issues of security and migration. But his campaign pledge rests on his push for a eurozone budget, parliament and finance minister. The address at the Sorbonne comes just two days after the German elections, where his key European partner, the German Chancellor emerged weaker. Merkel could be looking at a governing coalition with the eurosceptic Free Democrats (FDP), which could limit EU ambitions. The leader of the FDP is fiercely critical of deeper integration of the 19 eurozone countries, and hours after the election said he would put the brakes on the French leader’s plans for a eurozone budget. Macron partly staked his French presidential campaign on a radical reform of Europe, but it may be the new government in Berlin which stands in his way.