Man fled the country after breaking ex-partner's nose in violent attack

Smith fled the country
-Credit:Northants Police

A man fled the country after breaking his former partner's nose in a violent attack. The incident happened after Kieran Smith's ex ended her relationship with him.

Smith, of Desborough Road, Braybrooke, near Market Harborough, committed the attack in the early hours of Saturday May, 29, 2021, at his former partner's home in Rothwell. The attack left her with severe swelling to her eye and a wound that required stitches.

Officers from Northamptonshire Police revealed that Smith, who was heavily intoxicated at the time of the attack, grabbed the victim and repeatedly punched her in the face despite telling her he would not hurt her. After being released, 33-year-old Smith broke his bail conditions and fled the county.


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Smith was eventually arrested in Blackpool in summer 2023 following a number of appeals, including one on BBC's Crimewatch Live. He later pleaded guilty to Section 20 - wound/inflict grievous bodily harm without intent, according to the force.

At Northampton Crown Court on Saturday December 12 last year, Smith was sentenced to 20 months in prison. He was also made subject to a three-year restraining order preventing him from contacting his former partner, police said.

Investigating officer Detective Constable David Bastuba said: "First and foremost, I want to thank the victim in this case, who was brave enough to both disclose what Smith did to her, and to remain supportive of our investigation despite him going to considerable lengths to try and avoid justice.

"Kieran Smith knew he was a wanted man and probably thought fleeing the county would put paid to our efforts to find him, but thanks to our persistence and the people who did the right thing and called in with information, he has been brought to account for his unacceptable violence."


If you are a victim of domestic violence you can call for help at the British National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or ask for Ani at a pharmacy. If you think you are in immediate danger, ALWAYS dial 999 and ask for the police.

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