Man questions Sunday parking rules at Grimsby’s Market Hall after shopping trip ends with a fine

Adam Cooney's car with a Penalty Charge Notice on the windscreen at Market Hall Roof car park, Grimsby
Adam Cooney's car with a Penalty Charge Notice on the windscreen at Market Hall Roof car park, Grimsby -Credit:Adam Cooney

A man whose Sunday shopping trip to Grimsby ended with a parking fine has called for clarity about the rules.

Adam Cooney shopped at Freshney Place last Sunday, parking in the Market Hall Roof car park. He checked the signage which, he said, stated charges were applicable 8.30am to 4pm, Monday to Saturday; closed Sunday.

Mr Cooney, who saw other vehicles parked there, took it to mean it was acceptable to park, as there were no barriers or signs to indicate otherwise. When he received a penalty notice, he successfully challenged it.



He said: “There were other vehicles parked in the car park. Some had [Pay & Display] tickets on and some had not. The signage doesn’t state that parking out of hours is chargeable.

“I challenged my parking charge notice with the council and they have now cancelled it. I have been in contact again and asked questions about why the entrance isn’t coned or barriered off.

Signage at Market Hall Roof car park, Grimsby
Adam Cooney has asked North East Lincolnshire Council why Market Hall Roof car park is not coned off on Sundays and why the Pay & Display machines can still issue tickets out of chargeable hours -Credit:Adam Cooney

“The big question is, why are the car park machines on and why is the car parking company – Equans, which is working in partnership with North East Lincolnshire Council - still charging people and fining people, even when the car park is closed on a Sunday?”

In a letter Mr Cooney received from the council, it stated his Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) was for being “parked after the expiry of paid for time” at the Market Hall Roof car park. It acknowledged Mr Cooney’s challenging of the PCN and said: “We have carefully considered your challenge and have decided to cancel your PCN due to an error in ticket issue.


“You were given a PCN for not having a Pay & Display ticket that was both valid and clearly displayed. We acknowledge Market Hall Roof car park is closed on a Sunday, as such, payment is not required.

“Thank you for providing photos of the entrance to Market Hall Roof, this area should be coned off to prevent vehicles from entering the car park. These have been passed to the relevant department for their attention.”

Entrance to Market Hall Roof car park, Freshney Place, Grimsby - openly accessible on a Sunday
Entrance to Market Hall Roof car park, Freshney Place, Grimsby - openly accessible on a Sunday -Credit:Adam Cooney

Mr Cooney further pointed out that the council’s web page listing car parks and charges does not tally with the on-site signage at Market Hall Roof. The website says that Market Hall Roof, with two Pay & Display machines, is chargeable seven days a week, 8am to 6pm. The fees are from £1.50 for one hour to £5 for eight hours.

“The times are wrong. They don’t match up with the car park signage.”


A spokesperson for North East Lincolnshire Council said: “With the closure of the former BHS property, this limited pedestrian access and exit opportunities from the Market Hall car park. Pedestrians were able to use the lifts and stairwells either side of the indoor market, at the Freshney Place entrance and Devonshire House entrance.

“With the lift and stairwell to both entrances being closed on a Sunday, there is now no safe access and exit for pedestrians from the car park and therefore the car park has been closed to protect pedestrians since 2022. The tariff boards in the car park have been updated to advise of the Sunday closure.

“The tariff on Pay by Phone has been amended so no one can pay for parking on a Sunday. The ticket machine does still allow for payments to be made on a Sunday as this is awaiting removal.”