Man Uses Rope to Save Stranded Dolphins in Argentina

In a heartwarming rescue, two stranded dolphins were saved recently on a beach in San Antonio Este, Argentina, by a quick-thinking man who used a rope to pull them back to the sea.

“In the place where we found them there is no way to call the wildlife watch, we have no phone signal, and their lives were in danger,” Walter Andreoli told Storyful. “The ATV had a rope and I towed them to the water and waited. I waited for the tide to come in and then I saw them leave on their own.”

Andreoli told local media the dolphins may have become stranded while attempting to evade an attack by killer whales.

“In a second I sensed what happened, because the day before orcas had been seen in the area,” Andreoli told local news. “Since they eat them, I imagined that these little dolphins fled and, disoriented, were left stranded.”


In 2021, 16 dolphins were found dead on the coast of the nearby San Antonio Oeste after fleeing from orcas, local news reported, citing environmental officials. Credit: Walter Andreoli via Storyful

Video transcript


Bueno, qu tal?

Ah ya est fumando.

Salvando los delfines.

Dos encontramos en la orilla.

Estn vivos.



l est ms vivo.

Toda su vida est subiendo.


Mira cmo se mueve mi amor.

S, ac tenemos a otro.

Este es ms grande y est ms vivo por decir Mira cmo se mueve mi vida.

Escuche, escuche con Vamos, hijo.

Vamos, te sudo.

Ya est subiendo Que se Ah va mejor.

S, pues estamos buscando lejanos dos metros.

S, ac estn los delfines que encontramos varados en el pasto, ac, en la Caleta.

Y cuando regrese al agua un gran esfuerzo.

Pero ya est.

Ah van a ser Ya estaba en la estaba sangrando.

Est el algo?

Vamos, Vamos a salir del agua!

Vamos, vmonos.

Ya viene la cosa.

Bien, Tranquilo, tranquilo.


Ah, s?

Se van a salvar Gavi.

Gracias a Dios!

All estaban en el barro, en los pastos