Martin Lewis issues warning to anyone with a mobile phone or TV over 'rip off'

The 52-year-old Money Saving Expert founder spoke out on Twitter, now X, as he shared how there would be "winners and losers".
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

Martin Lewis has issued an important update to BBC and ITV viewers over the new Ofgem ban on mid-contract price hikes. The 52-year-old Money Saving Expert founder spoke out on Twitter, now X, as he shared how there would be "winners and losers".

He said: "This is a key watch - feel free to share. Yes the 17% mid contract inflation linked rises are now banned. Good for transparency, however in practice some will now face even bigger ones. Millions are being ripped off by overpaying on mobile & broadband."

"Finally there’s a ban on firms hiking mobile & broadband bills mid-contract linked to inflation. Yet the way they’ve done it means some winners and some losers – which are you. My quick video briefing…," Mr Lewis went on and explained.


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"Does this only apply to mobile and broadband, or does it also apply to television?" a fan asked, with Mr Lewis said: "Trickier to answer than you think. We are pushing ofcom for clarity at the moment. It look like skys satellite service is included but still checking."

"its not really a ban since they are still gonna charge 3 pound a year extra every march," said a second fan. Mr Lewis wrote: "It is a ban on inflation linked mid contract rises as I explain, problem is it isnt a ban on above inflation rises"


"There’s another trick. They tell you when your contract ends your charges going up but hey I’ll give you a few extras- but a big discount too! So you get all excited - but in fact end up paying app £5 more thinking you’ve got a bargain. They sent NINE emails to confuse even more!" wrote another.

"Time folk started holding onto their phone for longer once out of contract and opt for the many PAYG option with no contracts but a lot cheaper. Folk getting new phones every 12 months and less sometimes when there is nothing wrong with their phones. Crazy!" another commented.