Martin Lewis issues warning over '8pm tonight' and says 'share word'

Martin Lewis issues warning over '8pm tonight' and says 'share word'
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Martin Lewis has issued a warning over "8pm tonight" and said "spread the word". The BBC Sounds podast host, who has his own ITV show, is back on the box on Tuesday, January 14, from 8pm, with a new 'bill buster' special of his programme.

Mr Lewis took to Twitter, now X, ahead of the programme. "10,000,000s of Brits are being ripped off by overpaying on energy, mobile, broadband, water bills and more. Tonight on 8pm ITV it's BillBuster time," the 52-year-old Money Saving Expert founder said.

"I'll show you how to fight back by cutting costs and keeping more cash in your pockets not theirs. Please do share and pass word." A social media user replied: "Do you have to be made to switch to a smart meter for electricity?


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"I don’t want one and am always in credit (and having to claim the money back) but still they send letters every week saying I have to switch over" A second said: "Just chucked back Virgin box and phone and they agreed to the broadband only at £31, it was going to be £79, cable dead in the water now with streaming, freeview box just bought brilliant, you gotta be firm and tell them your going to leave."

"Broadband companies should allow you to keep an email address like you do a mobile number without you having to pay for it. That would definitely improve competition in that sector," wrote a third social media user in reply.


Another said: "I'll be watching, currently with @TalkTalk & want to change but don't know who to go with. I pay monthly when I get a bill so I can keep an eye on anything they add on but they're now saying I HAVE to use direct debit as no longer accept payment any other way."

A Radio Times synopsis explains: "The cash expert rings in the new year with a bill-busting special, presenting all the latest financial news and offering tips to keep on top of family finances in January."