Martin Lewis issues warning to 'unmarried couples who co-habit'

The BBC Sounds podcast host has sounded the alarm over tax perks for married couples, with HMRC Marriage Tax Allowance available to UK households.
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Martin Lewis has issued a warning to anyone who's married via his daily Twitter or X poll. The BBC Sounds podcast host has sounded the alarm over tax perks for married couples, with HMRC Marriage Tax Allowance available to UK households.

He said: "Today's Poll: Do you support marriage being rewarded in the tax system? For example the marriage tax allowance is only for married (or in civil partnerships) low or mid income couples. It isn't available to long term unmarried couples who co habit."

The ITV star went on and asked: "Should marriage get special treatment? Similar tax boons for marriage including inheritence tax allowances and more." In reply, a social media user asked: "Unmarried couples who live together should be given same rights as married couples."


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Another said: "Marriage is perceived unfavourably in contemporary society due to the influence of social media, reality television, and other contributing factors. I believe it is beneficial to acknowledge marriages that endure challenges and demonstrate perseverance.

"It advantages society collectively; couples typically reside in a single household, fostering a stable setting for child-rearing, resulting in improved parenting for children and reduced reliance on state support. This could be elaborated further. I was raised in a dysfunctional household; my parents lacked respect for marriage.


"Unfortunately, I have encountered both situations, and the married circumstance is far more beneficial for the family as a whole. In the majority of instances. For those who will be offended by this; I understand it doesn’t suit everyone and commitment is seen as scary, or you’ve had bad experiences - however this says more about the person you’re selecting and taking accountability for doing so, rather than marriage itself."

"Why should someone that’s married have a perk? A single person already has more to pay, and the hard working ones that work 60hours a week get punished and don’t get a tax relief? It’s so backwards but then again so is everything in this country at the moment!" another fumed.