Martin Lewis warns 'every' pensioner who has had £300 Winter Fuel Payment axed

Martin Lewis has called on "every" pensioner who has had the £300 Winter Fuel Payment axed to check whether they are eligible for Pension Credit - NOW. The BBC and ITV star spoke out in his weekly newsletter to Money Saving Expert subscribers.

Mr Lewis said: "Check Pension Credit eligibility via web or phone - don't stall, just call or click. Use if you can, or if not call 0800 99 1234 (N. Ireland 0808 100 6165). Do check - the worst that can happen is they'll say you don't qualify.

"And it is complicated who's eligible, even some getting more than the full state pension may qualify - often due to its interaction with some disability-related benefits. (PS: If you don't claim a disability-related benefit, but need daily help or supervision, check out Attendance Allowance, too.)"

READ MORE Martin Lewis issues 'tax band' warning after £300 Winter Fuel Payments axed

He said: "Checked before? Check again. If you were just over the margin before (primarily due to a small private pension) you might be newly eligible, as in April the Pension Credit threshold was increased by 8.5%. For a few, it's worth checking again. Also, if you've got new responsibilities as a carer, it's vital to recheck.

"Pension Credit has a superpower... While many on Pension Credit get £1,000s a year paid to them, even if it's only worth thruppence for you, it's worth claiming, as it's often a gateway to other state help. It may trigger... free TV licence for over-75s (normally £169.50/yr), Housing Benefit worth £1,000s for some renters. Housing Benefit is an extra sum - the amount depends on where you live and how many people you live with, Council tax reductions. This can be worth £1,000s/yr. and energy bill reductions.

"This includes £25/wk Cold Weather Payments and the £150 Warm Home Discount. There's also free dental care, vouchers for glasses and more - see full Pension Credit gateway benefits."