Martin Lewis warns people 'who have NS&I Premium Bonds'

Martin Lewis has issued a "tax" warning to National Savings and Investments Premium Bonds holders. The BBC Sounds and ITV star spoke out on the Money Saving Expert website, sharing a guide written by himself with his loyal subscribers and readers.

He said: "Premium Bond prizes (the interest) are paid tax-free. However, for many people that's no longer a bonus. Since 2016, the personal savings allowance (PSA) has meant all savings interest is automatically paid tax-free.

"You only need to pay tax on it if you're a basic 20% rate taxpayer earning more than £1,000 interest a year, a higher 40% rate taxpayer earning more than £500 interest a year, or a top 45% rate taxpayer. At today's top easy-access rate, a basic-rate payer would need just under £20,000 of savings to generate that – so if you've less, Premium Bonds don't have a tax advantage.

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"For those who will pay tax, there is a decent advantage of Premium Bonds as prizes do not count towards the PSA, so it's almost an extra allowance in its own right (assuming you win something, of course)." If you won't earn over the personal savings allowance, and have average luck, Premium Bonds are unlikely to beat top savings.

If you pay tax on your savings, and have average luck, Premium Bonds become a slightly better bet, MSE said. On its website, NS&I said: "Most banks only guarantee your savings up to £85,000. We’re the only provider that secures 100% of your savings, however much you invest.

"We're backed by HM Treasury and we've been helping people save for over 160 years. Today, over 24 million customers save with us. We created Premium Bonds and you can only get them from us. Open an account and you could win big in our monthly prize draw."