McVitie's owner sold former Glasgow factory site before 'secret' donation to city council

The historic McVitie's biscuit factory in Tollcross was closed in 2022 despite public outcry
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

The owner of the iconic McVitie's biscuit brand sold off a former factory to a property developer before handing a £1m secret donation to a Scots council.

Pladis, a Turkish-owned confectionery conglomerate, closed down its historic Glasgow factory in 2022 with the loss of more than 400 jobs.

The huge commercial site in Tollcross, in the city's east end, was subsequently sold in June last year in a multi-million pound deal to Clowes Developments.

It was revealed yesterday that Pladis recently handed Glasgow City Council a £1m donation on the condition the company was not identified as the source.


Councillors were informed of the donation at a meeting closed to the public last week, with members of the press asked to leave before the issue was discussed.

After the company was identified by the Record and other newspapers, Pladis said it was always their intention "to leave a substantial legacy that would benefit the local community in the area the site was based".

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But the company was today blasted by the GMB union, which represented many of the workers who lost their jobs in 2022.

Louise Gilmour, the union's Scottish secretary, also called on the SNP administration on Glasgow City Council to "end the secrecy" around the terms of the donation.


She said: "The 470 workers summarily laid off by Pladis will take cold comfort from its charity three years later. The people of Glasgow deserve more than the crumbs from the table of a multinational that made £100m in profits last year.

"They need good jobs and good employers who show loyalty and commitment to workers and their communities. Pladis should not be leaving a legacy in the East End of Glasgow, it should still be running a factory there.

"However much Pladis is giving away now should have been spent protecting the legacy of Robert McVitie in the country where he was born.

"It should have worked to keep this historic plant open instead of sticking its fingers in its ears, ignoring widespread opposition, rejecting potential rescue plans and locking the gates in a needless act of industrial vandalism.

"Doing hush-hush deals behind closed doors with multinationals who have shown no interest in listening to local and national government when it actually matters is no way for Glasgow City Council to go about its business.


"There can be no more secrecy, this offer needs to be dragged into the light and the people of Glasgow deserve to know exactly what is going on and why."

Older buildings at the historic Victoria Biscuit Works in Tollcross are now being demolished. The Record understands a modern warehouse on the site is being advertised for commercial let, while no decision has been taken on the future use of the wider site.

The decision to close the factory was opposed by local politicians and saw a Scottish Government taskforce try in vain to save more than 400 jobs. The factory was known for producing iconic British brands such as Digestives and Hobnobs.

A spokeswoman for Pladis said: "Since announcing the closure of our Tollcross bakery, it has always been our intention to leave a substantial legacy that would benefit the local community in the area the site was based.

"We will now explore the potential ways our donation can achieve this."

The Record asked Glasgow City Council for comment.

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