Mean Gateshead carer took advantage of vulnerable client to steal more than £10,000

Newcastle Crown Court
-Credit:newcastle chronicle

A thieving carer who took advantage of a vulnerable client to help herself to more than £10,000 has walked free from court.

Gillian Brians was employed to look after the 55-year-old victim, who had Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. Newcastle Crown Court heard Brians had begun caring for her in 2019 and would help her with her online grocery shopping, including inputting her bank card details and pin number.

In April 2023, it was noticed that the victim's bank card was not in her purse, which raised suspicions. A manager from the care company then visited the woman and saw the bank card had been returned to her purse.


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An internal investigation was launched which revealed that multiple cash withdrawals over a four-year period at locations near where Brians lived. When confronted with bank statements showing what she had been up to, she confessed to taking the money, blaming her addiction to alcohol.

In total, she had helped herself to £10,748. The court heard she paid back £889 initially and has been paying back £25 a month to the victim. The court heard it is hoped the bank will reimburse the victim.

Brians, who handed in her notice, was arrested and quizzed by police and said her drinking was out of control and admitted using the victim's bank card at local shops.


In a victim impact statement, the woman said: "This has left me very annoyed and also in shock. I put my trust in this woman who was getting paid to look after me.

"I didn't expect her to steal from me. Because of this I find it really difficult to put my trust in anyone else. I thought the world of her and she abused my trust."

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Brians, 62, of Balmlaw, Gateshead, who has no previous convictions, pleaded guilty to fraud by false representation. She was sentenced to 14 months suspended for 18 months with an alcohol abstinence monitoring requirement and must pay £25 a month compensation.

Judge Robert Adams told her: "You said it's a horrible thing to do and you were ashamed of yourself." He added: "You were aware she didn't check her bank statements and took advantage of that.


"You richly deserve custody, it's a mean offence and you know that. On the other hand there's a good chance of rehabilitation. You have pleaded guilty and expressed remorse."

Jason Smith, defending, said: "She accepted responsibility from the outset. She has significant remorse.

"She paid back more than £800 initially and has tried to reimburse the victim. She's done her best to try to better the position."

The court heard Brians, who was drinking more than a litre of vodka a day at the time and suffering from depression, still has debts and is unable to work due to ill health.