Monkey Backflips Off Car in British Safari Park

A rhesus macaque surprised two patrons at a safari park in Warminster, England, when it backflipped off the bonnet of a car.

Bronwyn Snaith and her daughter, Ruby, were traveling through the Monkey Drive Thru enclosure at Longleat Safari Park when a rhesus macaque hopped on top of Snaith’s car.

Video shot by Snaith shows the monkey hang off the side of her car before it walks across her bonnet and does a backflip to the ground.

“We went through the safari and my daughter loved the monkeys the most so we stayed in there observing them,” she said.

“One monkey then decided to do a backflip off of my bonnet and she was in hysterics,” Snaith added. Credit: Bronwyn Snaith via Storyful

Video transcript

- Ooh, a monkey.

- Hello, monkey.


What are you eating?


Let go of that.


Yeah. Oh, see you later. Oh.


- Ooh, a monkey.

- Hello, monkey.


What are you eating? Let go of that.


Yeah. Oh, see you later. Oh.


- Ooh, a monkey.

- Hello, monkey.


What are you eating? Let go of that.


Yeah. Oh, see you later. Oh.


- Ooh, a monkey.

- Hello, monkey.


What are you eating?


Let go of that.


Yeah. Oh, see you later. Oh.