More than 200 new homes to be built in Keynsham

The new development on Bath Road will be "tenure-blind", meaning there will be no difference between market price and affordable homes at the site.
-Credit: (Image: Reach Publishing Services Limited)

Plans to build 208 homes in Keynsham have been approved by Bath and North East Somerset Council. 168 houses and 40 flats will be built on Bath Road by local housing association Curo, including 62 affordable properties, 47 designated for social rent and 15 for shared ownership.

The housing association has promised the new developments will be "tenure-blind"- meaning there will be no distinction between affordable homes and home sold at market price. The new housing will include two and two-and-a-half-storey homes with dormer windows as well as three-storey properties.

As part of the scheme, Curo have pledged £2 million to a Community Infrastructure Levy to fund improvements, including £300,000 going directly to Keynsham Town. The new scheme will also involve building allotments, an orchard, and two new sports pitches- one public and one for Two Rivers CofE Primary School.

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Technical Director at Curo Stuart Smith said: "This project is a natural step in Keynsham’s continued growth and will include options for social rent and shared ownership for local people. We're excited to create something that will genuinely benefit the town, providing the things Keynsham needs like highway improvements and more recreational spaces.

"We will also be contributing around £2 million in Community Infrastructure Levy which will help fund local improvements, with £300,000 going directly to Keynsham Town. We appreciate the support from Bath and North East Somerset Council and look forward to continuing to work closely with the community to make this vision a reality."

There are also plans for a new signal-controlled junction on Bath Road and pedestrian and cycle improvements along the A4.