Mum was eating chips and curry at her first daughter's birthday then gave birth on the same day
A mum was about to tuck into a curry when she went into labour with her second child - exactly a year on from the birth of her first child. Ellie Searson Smith, 25, was hoping to be induced the following week but couldn't believe it when little Sophia Searson was born on her sister Sienna's first birthday.
Sophia arrived weighing 6lbs 13oz with just 22 minutes to spare, at 11.38pm on September, 28 2024. Ellie, a Tesco warehouse worker, from Widnes, Cheshire, said: "She couldn't wait 22 minutes for the next day. I still can't believe it myself.
Ellie was shocked when she found out she was pregnant in January 2024 - three months welcoming her first daughter Sienna with her partner Liam, 30, who works in Aldi. "It wasn't planned," she said. "Considering Sienna is still a baby she really good with her. They are going to have the strongest bond."
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Ellie was given the due date of October 9, 2024 but was advised that the baby would likely come earlier as she suffered with preeclampsia with Sienna.
She had weekly scans to check everything was okay and was scheduled in for a induction on September 30, 2024 as doctors didn't think she would reach October.
She said: "I didn't want to have Sophia on her [Sienna's] birthday. I had planned to go in on the 30th for an induction. Sienna's birthday arrived and we had a fun shoot for her and did presents. At 8pm I'd sat down and was just about to eat my curry and chips.
"I started getting really bad pains. They started getting stronger and I was bleeding a bit." Liam rang ahead to Warrington Hospital and the couple arrived at around 10.13pm and Ellie was sent straight to the ward. Suddenly she was pushing and Sophia was born.
Ellie said: "She was out with in minutes. 11 minutes she was out." Sophia had to spend three weeks in hospital as doctors discovered she had a very low blood sugar and she was later diagnosed with congenital hyperinsulinism - where high levels of insulin is produced.
Sophia is currently on medication three times a day to reduce her insulin secretion. But Ellie said she is a happy baby. She said: "She looks around. She's dead smiley."
Ellie said family and friends presumed she planned to have her daughters on the same day but she wouldn't change it for the world. She said: "I can't wait until they get older. Life is so much better with them both in it." Ellie hasn't planned their joint birthday party yet but may take them to soft play if Sophia is walking by then.
She said: "It will be expensive when they are growing up - they'll probably be into different things. When they grow up I hope they love it [sharing a birthday]."