Mystery surrounds object 'falling from sky' above Kirklees homes
Mystery surrounding a strange object in the sky above a Kirkless town has caused a stir in the community.
An 11-year-old girl spotted the strange object, which appeared to have contrails, above Gomersal at about 4.40pm yesterday (Thursday, January 16). Her photo was shared by mum Carole Flynn to a local Faceboook group with many speculating over what it could be.
'We reckon it was something entering the Earth's atmosphere. What though, who knows?' said Carole, speaking to Yorkshire Live. Carole says daughter Rosie initially thought it was a plane's contrail - but then began to question further after noticing something about the object.
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Carole said: "She thought initially it was a contrail from a plane. But she could see an object that seemed to be falling leaving a dark grey trail."
The Kirklees gran said they noticed a plane nearby but that it had been travelling beneath the contrail.
Carole went on: "It was taken by my 11 year old daughter on her iPhone 12 just as she was coming home from her out of school club with her dad. The photo was taken around 4.40pm from Gomersal looking towards Manchester way. My husband said it was slowly falling and they stood and watched it for nearly 10 minutes."
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