NHS doctor says eat this fruit twice a day to relieve bloating and constipation

Woman eating fruit

An NHS doctor has recommended eating a certain fruit twice a day to ease potentially painful bloating and constipation. According to the expert this tasty food has been proven in studies to increase bowel motions and therefore reduce the uncomfortable symptoms that come with constipation.

Constipation is a fairly common experience that leads to infrequent bowel movements, straining during toilet visits, and can result in an unpleasant sensation of bloating and nausea over time. Various factors might cause this condition, including dietary choices, insufficient physical activity, certain medications, or lack of hydration.

While tackling the cause of constipation is the best way to relieve symptoms, sometimes immediate relief is necessary. This is where eating a specific fruit could be the answer.


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Doctor Karan Rajan, who is best known online as Dr Raj, took to social media platform TikTok to share the benefits of kiwifruit. He explained: “If you're constipated and bloated, then this evidence-backed kiwi regime could be salvation for your bowels.”

He referenced a scientific study published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition that saw participants eat two kiwis a day for a month. “A pivotal study analysed kiwis effects on gastrointestinal symptoms in constipated individuals defined as having less than three bowel motions per week,” Dr Raj said.

“Each participant consumed two kiwis per day for four weeks. The constipated went from two to three bowel motions per week to five to seven bowel motions per week. Stools transitioned from hard or lumpy type 1/type 2 stools to softer more normal type 3/type 4 stools after kiwi consumption.


“The constipated patients also reported a significant reduction in bloating and abdominal pain, and an increased ease of defecation.” Dr Raj added that kiwifruit may be even more effective than other methods of constipation relief.

He said: “And in contrast to prunes and some other fibre-heavy interventions kiwi caused minimal gas and bloating, making it ideal for those with sensitive digestive systems. This study suggested that kiwis were comparable in efficacy to other traditional laxatives because they contain a combination of both soluble fibre, which forms a viscous gel to soften the stool, and insoluble fibre, which bulks up stool for a softer exit.

“This dual action, fibre party is like a SWAT team for your gut. It breaks down resistance and ensures smooth evacuation. Additionally, kiwi contains an enzyme called actinidin, which improves gut motility and helps with regularity.”

For those concerned about their digestive health, the NHS advises consulting your GP if you:

  • Have tummy pain

  • Are taking medicine that's causing constipation – such as opioid painkillers

  • Have lost weight without trying

  • Are regularly constipated

  • Notice sudden changes in the how you poo (your bowel habits)

  • Are regularly bloated

  • Are constipated and it's not getting better with treatment

  • Are constipated and feel tired all the time

  • Have blood in your poo.

The health body warns: “Speak to the GP before you stop taking any prescribed medicine.”