NI man opens up on how Probation Service gave him a "second chance"

When Che was first introduced to Northern Ireland's Probation Service, little did he know he would soon be given a "second chance".

The young man was sentenced to 150 community service, and on probation for two years. He then met his probation officer, who he says made a huge difference to his mental health.

Opening up about his experience within the Probation Service, Che took part in a film which was launched this week, aimed at highlighting work behind the scenes.

READ MORE: PBNI launch film to highlight "life changing" work of probation officers

Speaking on the film, Che said: "I came into contact with Probation Northern Ireland in 2023. I started my service then, before summer. I have had probation for two years, and community service for 150 hours.

"I get to learn new things and it is very interesting. Every day is a learning day. It is a wonderful feeling, after you have accomplished something, and done something good. It makes you feel good about yourself. I don't think anyone would like to be in jail, so to be able to wake up every day, and go outside, smell the fresh air, it is beautiful.

"I am currently living in a temporary homeless shelter and my probation officer is just amazing. He has helped me so much with my own mental health, with the Housing Executive too.

"It is a second chance. You get to show not only to your family, but to the rest of the world, that you are not a bad person. You have made mistakes yes, but you are now doing well. You are getting the chance to get back out."

Another strand of the Probation Service in Northern Ireland, is working with victims of crime, not just those who had been brought to the courts.

Liz, who is a mother-of-two, was a victim of crime. She admitted that she was unaware of the help that she could receive through the Probation Service.

"I came into contact with probation about 5/6 years ago, being a victim of crime," she added.

"I didn't know about probation. The victim impact of it. I thought it was just for offenders or ex-offenders.

"There is a lot of the victim's side, which nobody else sees. I am a victim of crime, but here, I am seen as a person. My probation officer set me on the right path for what I wanted to do. We had a meeting with the Victim's Commissioner, and didn't know there was funding available for groups.

"It is important for the Probation Board, for the offenders to understand the crime and not to re-offend."

The Probation Board for Northern Ireland (PBNI) produced a short film called “Changing Lives: The Inside Story of the Probation Service” to explain the work of its staff and help raise awareness and confidence in community sentences. The video takes viewers on a journey into the daily lives of probation officers and individuals who have benefited from community sentencing.

It highlights real stories of transformation, providing a look at the realities faced by those on probation.

Chief Executive Amanda Stewart said: "Probation is a public service which works to protect the public and reduce reoffending by supervising people who have offended in the community while overseeing their rehabilitation and resettlement. Sometimes it can be difficult to articulate to the public exactly what probation does. The best way of describing it, is that we help people to change their lives. This video shows in a simple way the work that Probation Officer’s carry out and the impact they can make on people’s lives."

Criminologist Dr Brian Payne from Ulster University explains the benefit of community sentencing: “Community sentencing is an opportunity to promote people’s rehabilitation back into the community. Probation officers have extensive powers to ensure that a court order is upheld.

"They can go into people’s families and their houses, speak to their employers and make decisions that can be fed back to the courts. Whilst it can be difficult to directly compare sentences, research shows that people on community sentences are less likely to reoffend than those serving short prison sentences.”

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