Be nice for seven days and you'll be happier

As children we're often told, wisely as turns out, that being kind makes the world a nicer and happier place.

Now Oxford University scientists believe they've stumbled on the secret of happiness and you could feel the difference in just seven days.

The team of researchers questioned over 600 people from 39 countries asking them to fill out a questionnaire, measuring their life satisfaction, compassion and social connections.

They included a control group and used statistical analysis to ensure changes in mood were actually meaningful and not just random events.

The research group told Inc Magazine: "We found that our measures increased in the intervention groups, but not in the control group. That means that the kindness intervention had a positive effect on wellbeing and positive social emotions."

The study concluded that there are 15 practical things that an do to help boost their emotional wellbeing.

Fifteen things you can do today:

  1. Give a small gift and include a note of kindness

  2. Ask someone if you can help them with a problem

  3. Meditate on kindness

  4. Buy a coffee for someone

  5. Send a handwritten note or thank you card to someone

  6. Share a positive newspaper or magazine story

  7. Give a plant

  8. Spend time with someone who is lonely

  9. Pick up litter from around your home or office

  10. Do a favour for a neighbour

  11. Invite someone to watch a film with you

  12. Bake a treat and give it to someone

  13. Donate useful items

  14. Leave a generous tip

  15. Write a positive comment on a blog