NORTH EAST NEWS: 'Extraordinary' uni student, 19, took own life on eve of second year
An "extraordinary" young woman died by suicide in her university bedroom, an inquest has found.
Leiha Tooke, 19, died on September 23 2024. She was a chemistry student at Durham University's South College and living in the Gilesgate area of the city. When she did not attend a "freshers training" event on the morning in question, two of her housemates returned home to look for her and found in her bedroom, reports Chronicle Live.
At an inquest held at Crook Coroner's Court, assistant coroner Simon Connolly concluded Ms Tooke had died due to suicide by hanging. He heard how she had discussed having "suicidal ideation" around a month earlier with a member of university pastoral care staff who had been supporting her.
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Leiha's parents, Magdalena and Chris, attended the inquest via video link and a moving tribute written by Magdalena was read by the coroner. The heartbroken mum had an "incredibly close" relationship with her daughter, who had been "the child I always wished for", the court heard, while she was her father's "little girl", too.
Leiha had been a sporty and high-achieving star student, but her family said she had struggled initially to adapt to the pressures of university study, though continued to achieve stellar exam results. Her death came as she was set to begin her second year at university.
Her mum Magdalena said in the tribute: "Leiha was an extraordinary person who touched many lives." She said Leiha had a "vibrant personality" and added: "From an early age we noticed Leiha was incredibly bright."
Magdalena said Leiha "would always achieve what she set out to do" and had been extremely competitive. She continued by telling the court how Leiha had excelled at school and while had exhibited some traits of both autism and OCD, she was able to manage this and did not have any formal diagnosis, the inquest heard.
The tribute continued: "Durham was Leiha's first choice of university and on September 22, 2023, she left for university and was the happiest child in the world."
Mum Magdalena added that Leiha had experienced a loving upbringing, saying: "I was 31 when I had Leiha and she was the child I had always wished for. We did many things together. Together as a family all of her needs were catered for and she had a very happy childhood."
However, in the statement she said that Leiha's happiness at university had not lasted long. She said: "She found the chemistry course extremely challenging - I told her not to prioritise studying over her wellbeing."
By her first Christmas break, the family were concerned to learn that Leiha - described as "perfectionist" - had only given herself one day off from studying in the whole term, and that this was "unsustainable in the long term". Despite this, she received strong exam results and as her studies progressed seemed to be managing her workload better.
But by the end of her first academic year she was "exhausted" and her family sought to help her to prioritise her wellbeing more - and even talked to her about changing her degree or university. Mrs Tooke said: "As a family we reminded her that there were many paths to a chemistry degree and Durham was not the only option and we assured her that her wellbeing was far more important than any degree.
"But deep down we knew she felt that leaving chemistry at Durham would have meant she had failed. She was eager to return to Durham and nothing would have stopped her from going back."
As her second year began in September last year, Leiha was upset by "some issues of relevance in her personal life", the inquest heard.
Magdalena contiued her statement - as read to the court by the coroner - by saying: "Suicide was a far-away concept for us. At the time we didn't know what signs to look for."
Leiha had been born and raised in Gorleston-on-Sea, in Norfolk, where her mother told the inquest she had lived a happy childhood. She had a younger brother with whom she had a close relationship.
The inquest also heard statements from Durham Constabulary's PC Gilchrist, who recalled how Lynn Preston, "part of the network of mental health support Leiha accessed through the university", had "identified a number of issues in Leiha's life which had caused her some concern".
A toxicology report confirmed Leiha had not been under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of her death.
In his findings, assistant coroner Connolly said: "Leiha was a 19-year-old student who had returned to Durham University to continue her studies. I have heard - and Mrs Tooke has told me - how Leiha was an extraodinary person who touched many lives with her intelligence, kindness, humour and vibrant personality.
"While she had not consulted with her GP about her mental health, I have heard how she was receiving help and support from the university which continued over the summer recess. I note that Leiha had experienced suicidal ideation approximately a month before these tragic events."
He added: "I am satsified that on the balance of probabilities Leiha took her own life and had intended to do so."
Professor Tim Luckhurst, principal of South College, Durham University, said: "Students and staff in South College were shocked and saddened by Leiha's death. She was South College Junior Common Room Vice-President, and due to start the second year of a chemistry degree. She was a very popular member of the college, department and university community. Our thoughts and condolences remain with her family and friends."
The university has confirmed there will be a service to celebrate her life in due course.
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