North Lincolnshire Council leader on priorities for 2025
The leader of North Lincolnshire Council says securing the future of British Steel in Scunthorpe and supporting local businesses will be among the authority's priorities for 2025.
Cllr Rob Waltham published a statement at the start of the month detailing the key issues the council is set to focus on over the next 12 months and beyond. Other major themes include the regeneration of town centres in the area along with reiterating support for Scunthorpe General Hospital and opposing the proposed move of some health services out of North Lincolnshire.
Cllr Waltham said: "In what have become uncertain times for heavy industry, the most important message I have for 2025 is to emphasise how hard we are working to secure the future of British Steel.
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"We have weekly meetings with management and regular talks with the Government and are determined to support a positive future for the site, which is part of the heart of our community.
"Backing small traders and entrepreneurs is also top of our resolution list. We have cut stall rents at Ashby and Brigg outdoor markets and are encouraging aspiring traders who want to get cash from their skills or start their own business to literally set out their stall in 2025.
"Several of our priorities for 2025 will be constructed on the back of our successes in 2024. Town centre regeneration is continuing – Barton is to get a relief road, a revamped travel interchange and new cycle paths, and Scunthorpe will be transformed thanks to the restoration of St John’s Church, the development of Discover@2021 – a free attraction for children and families – and the completion of the Community Diagnostic Centre in the heart of the town.
"And we are committed to protecting our free car parking scheme, helping shoppers and businesses across the region.
"We won’t slacken off in our care of the ill and vulnerable this year. Our scheme giving free air fryers to pensioners is a resounding success. Don’t worry if you haven’t received yours yet; if you are eligible, it is on its way.
"We will also remain steadfast in our support for Scunthorpe General Hospital. Our recent Full Council meeting unanimously voted against proposals to move much-needed health services out of the area – they must stay at our local hospital.
"We will renew our focus on the flooding threat in 2025, working with all the statutory agencies to ensure everyone feels secure in their own homes.
"In 2024 we campaigned for devolution – in 2025 we will see it become a reality. The new Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority (GLCCA) becomes a reality this year, bringing millions of pounds into the region to be spent on local matters, not on what government decides. I am proud to be the lead on skills on the shadow combined authority and I am already talking to local education leaders on ensuring we create opportunities for our young people and those not in employment.
"2025 will also see us moving forward with the project to create areas of outstanding natural beauty on the Isle of Axholme and to extend the existing AONB to our Wolds’ low villages. This is a slow process, but we are confident we will get there and further promote the natural beauty of our area.
"Last year we regulated against rogue landlords, took measures to make people feel safer in the town centre at night, planted even more trees and installed solar panels on schools and community buildings – all this will continue in 2025.
"We also brought in tougher measures against fly-tippers and litterers, slapping fines on perpetrators.
"Alongside this we have been supporting our amazing and ever-growing army of litter-pickers. Whenever I see a red bin bag by the side of the road awaiting pick-up I thank these dedicated volunteers, who are making their communities better places for everyone.
"Scunthorpe Litter Pickers celebrated their sixth anniversary on New Year’s Eve – a massive congratulations to them."