Nottingham residents say Cineworld closure is 'another nail in the coffin' for city centre
Nottingham residents have spoken out over the closure of the city’s biggest cinema. Based at The Cornerhouse in Burton Street, the Cineworld, which has 14 screens, has announced that it will close for good on Sunday, February 2.
In a statement on Monday, the cinema said: “After years of providing movie lovers with a place to feel more, we regret to inform you that, following the landlord's decision to reject our proposals, we will be closing 2nd February 2025. Thank you to all of you movie-loving customers for choosing us over the years. We hope to see you again soon in one of our cinemas."
Discussing the announcement on the Nottinghamshire Live website, @Xanthaj wrote: “Obviously sad to see this cinema go, as it had pretty good projection and sound systems.” Craig Clark said: “I do hope they can renegotiate. Or at least another cinema operator steps in ASAP. Not having a proper multiscreen cinema with IMAX again will downgrade Nottingham city again.”
"I remember when it was first opened, was amazing with the shop upstairs for film memorabilia. Places to go eat, amazing place to be at. They let this place go, didn't keep up the quality ," Maz Jones reminisced. Meanwhile, @Maryofdungloe2017 said: "Not happy. I love this cinema. Only rebought the unlimited card a week or so ago."
However, others were less positive and cited issues with the cinema’s prices and sound quality. “Went to see Wicked here and the sound was dreadful,” shared Craig Pennington-Hayes on Facebook. “Wouldn’t waste my money going here again! Sad times but if you can’t even get the sound right for a big musical film, then it’s doomed.”
@Hucknall67 commented that the cinema had gone “hugely downhill” and was “scruffy and tired looking” and on Facebook Erika Szabó said: "Arc and Showcase are much better. Showcase has the best popcorn. Cineworld had awful popcorn." Andy Straughan added: "It's a shame about Cineworld however it has been run down for years now. We need a big chain cinema to come in and do a full refurb."
Some blamed the cost-of-living crisis and cinema prices for the location’s downfall. “Cinema is so expensive you can get Disney and Netflix and a bottle of wine and popcorn at home for the same price,” @Yagalshaz said.
“Who can afford trips to the cinema?” @Foxinabox wrote. “By the time you have paid transport, maybe had a drink before the film starts, then got your ticket, it is well over the cost of a month’s subscription to Netflix or Disney Plus. How we watch films is changing just as how we shop is changing. Painful for a lot of companies but change often is.”
Many residents worried about what this would mean for the building and Nottingham's city centre. "Corner house soon will become another derelict building like the rest of the city centre," said Sylwester Dzido. Steven Ginger Cave commented: "Big space wonder how long it will stay empty?"
"And that spells the end of The Cornerhouse. Guaranteed that it will be turned into yet more student accommodation which is terrible for shops, bars and restaurants," Chris Rodgers said. Paulina Kowalik wrote that this will mean "there's nothing to do in the city centre" and @Daviator37 warned that it was "another nail in the coffin for Nottingham".
However, @Trickytree1 pointed out: "Before people moan saying it’s a Nottingham thing, this cinema operator has been making huge losses and are closing all over."
In 2022, the cinema chain announced that it had filed for bankruptcy in America, and venues in Castleford, Leigh, Northampton, Middlesbrough and Poole will also be closing early this year. Cineworld's departure on Burton Street now means that of the five levels in The Cornerhouse, the top floor will be completely vacant and the majority of the first floor will also be empty. Cineworld Unlimited members have been advised to check their emails for details.