NS&I warns Premium Bonds holders and promises to 'look into it further'

National Savings and Investments have promised to "look into it further" after Premium Bonds holders struggled to buy them today. A Twitter/X user reached out to NS&I, which is backed by the Treasury, via Twitter (now X) on Thursday August 29.

A Premium Bonds saver reached out in frustration and asked: "@nsandihelp I AM STRUGGLING TO BUY PREMIUM BONDS. I wish to do this by phone. I have twice contacted NS&I and both times the audio quality was bad - second time too bad to continue. I asked if I could be phoned back; the lady said it would be no better. A little help?"

NS&I replied: "Hello, Barrie. I'm sorry to hear of your experience when calling us. Have you tried calling on different devices? Tomas." The saver said: "I am technically savvy. And logical. ONLY when i phone NS&I is there any problem. I reported as such to your operative. Both times THE SAME FAULT. Did you try the 'mystery shopper' approach before querying me?"

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NS&I said: "At the moment, there are no known issues with our phone line. Please DM us detailing more about what happens when you call so we can look into this further for you. Tomas." The Twitter/X user said: "Can I apply by post, without being blocked by lack of historic data that I do not have?"

NS&I said: "Yes, you will be able to apply using the form below: https://bit.ly/47XrfSQ However, if you would like to DM us on here, we'd be happy to look into this further. Tomas." The Premium Bonds customer said: "Cheers Thomas. I'll use post. Re your phone line: The automated voices are clear.

"The real humans, on both occasions. suffered serious electronic malaise. But excellence is no longer a concern of British institutions, so allow my voice to fade. . ."