Nutritionist highlights surprising nut that could prevent hair loss and baldness

Person checking their scalp for hair loss

One nutritionist is taking to social media to assure people that they’re not alone in facing baldness and hair loss, as well as how to prevent it. Mario Oritz has garnered over a hundred thousand followers on TikTok for his health advice and insights.

In a recent clip, the nutritionist took his viewers to the grocery store with him to highlight five foods he recommends people add to their diet to prevent baldness and maintain a happy and healthy mane of hair. The Spanish expert urged viewers to start with more fatty fish including salmon, mackerel and sardines.

He explained these are “foods rich in omega three that reduce inflammation and moisturise the hair. They are also rich in protein and vitamin D.” Next up on the list the nutritionist recommended eggs as a great source of “biotin”.


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Biotin promotes hair growth by empowering keratin production. The expert pointed out eggs also hold the most crucial vitamins for healthy hair; vitamin A and D. The third food Mario highly recommended marked one of his more unexpected suggestions; walnuts.

While the nut tends to be nothing more than a bit of garnish or occasional snack for some, Mario urged people to up their intake. He shared: “The third would be walnuts, which provide healthy fats, zinc and selenium. These minerals are related to preventing hair thinning and keeping it shiny, so don't forget.”

Mario Oritz
Mario Oritz shared some insights for people hoping to keep their hair healthy, happy and on their head -Credit:TIKTOK

Preventing baldness and hair loss starts at the root, more specifically the hair follicle, and Mario’s final two diet suggestions focused on maintaining these vital and complex structures. He shared: “The fourth food would be spinach, which is rich in vitamin C, iron and folic acid, helping transport oxygen to the hair follicles. It also has vitamin A which helps produce natural oils.


“The fifth food would be citrus fruits such as oranges, a fruit that is very important for the production of collagen, a protein that helps hair follicles. In addition, vitamin C makes it easier to absorb iron, and that also helps. Fruits rich in vitamin C are essential.”

Ultimately, Mario urged people to have one takeaway from his shopping trip: “Remember this, strong hair starts with a good diet.” The Spanish expert’s insights also come as Spain was found to be the second leading country for baldness.

El Debate highlighted a study revealing nearly half of the Spanish population suffers from hair loss with over 90% being due to genetics or hormonal causes. The 2020 study found a great number of young people are part of these statistics, suffering alopecia to some degree which has no cure.

The study noted Spain’s national diet could be to blame as the country holds a higher intake of fatty foods, sausages, salt, sugar and alcohol. On the other side of the spectrum, the study found China, South Korea and Taiwan were the leading countries with the fullest heads of hair, also boasting a diet dominated by legumes and vegetables.