Ofsted has visited 6 Yorkshire schools and nurseries and this is what they said

-Credit: (Image: Google Maps)
-Credit: (Image: Google Maps)

It may have been the summer holidays for schools up and down the country - but while the kids took a well-earned break Ofsted was hard at work.

The education watchdog has published six reports in August following inspections of Yorkshire schools and nurseries they carried out before the end of the school year. Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills.

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They inspect services providing education and skills for learners of all ages around the country. They judge providers on four key categories, including quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management.

Here is how some of the nurseries and schools in Yorkshire did in their inspections.

First Class Nursery (Huddersfield) Limited

First Class Nursery
First Class Nursery

First Class Nursery was visited on July 17 and was award an 'outstanding' rating in all categories. Inspectors were impressed with how practitioners were 'extremely passionate, caring and very enthusiastic'. The report said: "They (the staff) get to know all children very well. As result, children form strong attachments with practitioners and are extremely happy.

"Practitioners have high expectations for children's behaviour. Even the youngest children rise to these expectations and flourish. Familiar routines, clear language and plenty of praise and encouragement help all children to learn how to behave very well. "

This is the second time the nursery was rated outstanding after making improvements advised on its 2016 report, where it was rated good.

Scarcroft Green Nursery

Scarcroft Green Nursery
Scarcroft Green Nursery

Scarcroft Green Nursery in York was rated a 'good' following its latest inspection on July 18. In a report, inspectors praised staff for providing a warm and caring environment.

It said: "Children settle with their familiar staff members without hesitation. They demonstrate that they feel safe and secure. Older children like to talk about their nursery and what they like to do. They say they like being with their friends."

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This is great news for the organisation as in a previous inspection in May 2018 it was told that it requires improvement.

To get an outstanding next time, inspectors said that the nursery must improve monitoring processes particularly in the pre-school room, for example identify and remedy the periods when children lack focus, to provide a more streamlined day for them, check also that capable, independent children have really attended to their personal hygiene

Noah's Ark Kindergarten

Noah's Ark Kindergarten
Noah's Ark Kindergarten

Noah's Ark Kindergarten in Leeds was inspected in June 20, where it stated in its new report that it 'requires improvement'. This is a downfall from its previous report where it received a 'good'.

Inspectors said that the quality of education and children's overall experiences in the nursery were 'variable'. In the report it said: "Staff do not consistently implement a well-planned curriculum. The provider does not monitor staff knowledge well enough to ensure they are confident in all safeguarding procedures."

However, it did say that staff create a 'calm' environment which helps children to feel safe and settled. It also noted that children enter confidently and play happily.

Little Owls Nursery

Little Owls Nursery
Little Owls Nursery

Little Owls Nursery, in Shepherds Lane in Leeds was visited by inspectors on July 24, where it received a rating of 'good'. The report praised the staff for providing a 'warm, caring environment' for children and their families.

It said: "They strive to promote inclusion and have a strong ethos around the celebration of difference and diversity. Children attend from a range of different backgrounds and ethnicities. Staff work hard to overcome any language barriers and maintain effective communication with families.

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"This helps to build strong, trusting relationships and promotes continuity of care. Children show they feel safe and demonstrate good levels of self-confidence in the nursery."

However, this rating was a downfall from its previous report of an 'outstanding' in September 2018.

Scriven Park Pre School

Scriven Park Pre School
Scriven Park Pre School

Scriven Park Pre School in Knaresborough was visited on July 9 and received a rating of 'good', which is an improvement on its previous inspection in 2023. The school was praised for how children were able to settle happily in the setting.

The report said: "The friendly staff make sure all children's care needs are met in a warm, calm and productive atmosphere, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

"The team are passionate about providing a high-quality learning experience for all children. Children are confident, independent and eager to participate in the stimulating activities on offer. "

Woodthorpe Primary School

Woodthorpe Primary School
Woodthorpe Primary School

Woodthorpe Primary School in York was rated an 'outstanding' for the second year in a row, after inspectors visited on June 11. The school was called 'exceptional' and created a 'community' of happy learners.

In the report inspectors said:" Pupils flourish at this inclusive and nurturing school. They are proud to be part of the Woodthorpe family. Pupils are warmly welcomed by staff at the start of the school day. Relationships at all levels are extremely respectful and caring."

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