'Oh My God, They're Jumping Over!': Feisty Deer Take Shortcut Through Marsh

A resident of Hilton Head Island could not believe her eyes recently, when she spotted three deer opting out of a walk along her dock, and instead jumping and backflipping off the side into the water below.

The airborne moment was caught on camera by Debra Kurkul, and shows the deer taking their leaps of faith over the ramp of her dock.

“Oh my God, they’re jumping over!” Kurkul exclaims.

“I think they got startled and didn’t know how to get off so they jumped,” Kurkul told Storyful. “It scared me a little because I didn’t want them to get hurt.”

Kurkul said that the deer then continued on through the marsh and onto land.


“They did not get hurt,” she said. Credit: Debra Kurkul via Storyful

Video transcript

What you, oh, my God.

They're jumping over?

Oh, my God.

What you, oh, my God.

They're jumping over?

Oh, my God.

What you, oh, my God.

They're jumping over.

Oh, my God.

What you, oh, my God.

They're jumping over.

Oh, my God.


Oh, my God.

They're jumping over?

Oh, my God.


Oh, my God.

They're jumping over?

Oh, my God.