Adults Over 50, Share With Us The Significant Differences You've Noticed In Politics Then Vs Now

It's not really a secret that the political climate nowadays is...chaotic. A lot has changed over the years in the political sphere, and as a Gen Z'er, I'm curious to know: If you're an older adult, how have politics changed over time? What are the most significant changes you've noticed?

A person impersonates Donald Trump on stage, wearing a dark suit, white shirt, and red tie, with several other people in suits standing behind
NBC / Via

Maybe you remember a time when politics didn't divide people so much. You remember when politicians were respectful, and there wasn't so much animosity.

Marjorie Taylor Greene speaks at a hearing, seated at a desk with microphones and nameplate. Dr. Joyce is seated next to her
PBS / Via

Maybe, as an American, you were there when Roe v. Wade was passed in 1973, but to your shock, you were also there to witness it being overturned in 2022. You didn't think the government would "move backward," but alas.

A woman with long hair in a light-colored blazer speaks into a microphone on a dark stage. The PBS News logo is in the bottom-left corner
PBS / Via

Or maybe, on a more positive note, it's more refreshing than ever to see leaders continuously fighting for the rights of marginalized folks when, back then, trans rights, LGBTQ+ rights, women's rights, and more seemed unattainable.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez waves at a rally, surrounded by supporters holding signs and rainbow flags. Text on image says, "to fight for our identity, our community, and our liberation."
YouTube: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez / Via

Whatever the case, if you're an older adult, I want to know the changes you've noticed in politics over the years. If you want a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post, share your thoughts in the comments, or you can anonymously submit using this form!