Once Upon a Time Review: Hook and Henry Bond in “Dark Waters”

This episode was a mixed bag for me; I absolutely loved Hook and Henry’s storyline but had some issues with the rest of it.

I still don’t like the dynamic between Rumple and this incarnation of the Evil Queen, so their fabricated sexual tension coming to a head did nothing for me. I mentioned this in a previous review, but I feel like they’re adding a weird chemistry between them that was never there to begin with, which makes their scenes feel awkward and out of character. Also, obstacles are typically for couples who are happy, not hanging by a thread, so giving Belle and Rumple yet another one is overkill. Rumple kissing the Evil Queen just as Belle steeled herself to give him the ultrasound also forced Belle to play the fool, something she’s had to do far too often already. The ultrasound did lead to a couple of nice scenes for Belle and Snow, though; it’s been nice to see the other heroes looking out for her a bit more this season.

Emma, Aladdin, and Jasmine’s sort of mini storyline was nice but needed a little more time. It felt more like a tease than anything else, leaving me hoping for more Savior bonding between Emma and Aladdin and to find out exactly what happened to Agrabah.

Hook and Henry’s storyline was the real center of the hour, and it was smart to give them the lion’s share. Their relationship needed this episode in light of Emma and Killian moving in together. They’ve established that Hook and Henry get along (genially teasing each other, that sweet sword fighting scene a couple weeks back) but getting along and “hey, you’re getting closer and closer to becoming my stepdad” are two very different things. They needed to show that Henry is 100% o.k. with Emma and Hook’s relationship because Emma is too good a mom to continue it if he wasn’t. Luckily, by the end of the hour, it was clear that Henry’s perfectly fine with “dear ol’ dad-to-be.”

I think the biggest turning point for Henry was Hook’s complete honesty, assuring Henry that he only kept the shears because he loves Emma and confessing to killing his father, even knowing it might make Henry think less of him. Making Henry take the only suit said a lot as well; Hook knows Emma well enough to know that she could survive his death if she had to, but may not be able to survive Henry’s. That selflessness showed Henry that Hook deserves to be a member of their family, making it that much sweeter that he came back for Killian, reasoning that they have to keep their whole family intact. The scene where they disposed of the shears was important as well; Emma’s two proven true loves promising each other they’ll find another way to save her.

Hook and Henry’s storyline also gave Killian the push to be honest with Emma about the shears. Long-term secrets are more often frustrating than they are good television, so I’m glad both Emma and Hook’s secrets were revealed quickly. That conversation was another sign of what a healthy, adult relationship they have, especially with Emma recognizing his actions as a counterpoint to hers in Camelot. It would have been hypocritical of her not to.

Other thoughts on this episode:

I didn’t expect Liam II to make an appearance yet, and it was smart of ABC not to spoil it in the promo. It made for a cool reveal, and I’m glad Liam forgave Killian so quickly.

Who do I have to thank for that scene of soaking wet, leather-clad Hook? (Yes, I picked the picture up top for purely aesthetic reasons.)

Regina literally standing between Snow and Charming and her former self gave me all the character development feels.

I’ve said that this version of the Evil Queen feels too generically evil for me, but the kind of gentle, mothering tone she took with Henry was a nice touch.

What are your thoughts on this episode? Squicked out by the Evil Queen and Rumple as much as I am? Let me know in the comments!