Next week on 'Coronation Street': Nina and Seb viciously attacked, Abi is left reeling, plus Sharon finds Leanne (spoilers)

It's all kicking off on Corrie (ITV)
It's all kicking off on Corrie (ITV)

In a hard-hitting week in Weatherfield, Nina and Seb are to be the victims of a violent assault because of her alternative identity.

It’s a storyline that Coronation Street has been working on in partnership with the Sophie Lancaster Foundation due to its similarities to a 2007 hate crime that saw a goth teen lose her life after she and boyfriend Robert Maltby were attacked for the way they looked.

Read more: Next week's EastEnders spoilers

Read more: Next week's Emmerdale spoilers

Read on for more about Nina and Seb’s trauma, the fallout for those involved and the rest of the upcoming drama in the week of the 3-7 May, 2021.

Seb and Nina are attacked


STRICT EMBARGO - No Use Before Tuesday 27th April 2021

Coronation Street - Ep 10317

Wednesday 5th May 2021 - 1st Ep

A loved up Nina Lucas [MOLLIE GALLAGHER] and Seb Franklin [HARRY VISINONI] are walking along the canal when they come across the gang. When drunken Eli [LIAM SCHOLES] and Corey Brent [MAXIMUS EVANS] start making nasty jibes at Nina, Summer Spellman [HARRIET BIBBY] becomes uneasy and heads home. Egged on by Eli , Kelly Neelan [MILLIE GIBSON] slaps Nina across the face. As Seb and Nina hurry away, the gang gives chase and they find themselves subject to an unprovoked and vicious attack.

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Photographer - Danielle Baguley

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Why is the local canal such a crime hotspot? Over the years, the towpath has been the scene of much horror, what with Samir Rachid getting set upon by thugs and Roy having a fierce showdown with an unhinged Tony Gordon.


Now, it’s poor, blameless Seb and Nina whose lives are being endangered at this very same location. The loved-up pair will be seen walking by the canal when they come across the likes of Corey, his friend Eli and Kelly, who all start making jibes.

Watch the latest Coronation Street spoilers

After receiving a slap, Nina flees with Seb by her side, but when the gang gives chase, they find themselves subject to an unprovoked and barbaric attack.

The gang closes ranks

In the aftermath of the assault, news will break that Seb and Nina have both been hospitalised. It’s a state of affairs that results in Kelly trying to mask her panic, while Corey ends up lying about his whereabouts and claiming to Asha that he’s been home for ages.


STRICT EMBARGO - No Use Before Tuesday 27th April 2021

Coronation Street - Ep 10318

Wednesday 5th May 2021 - 2nd Ep

Aadi Alahan [ADAM HUSSAIN] calls at Asha Alahan [TANISHA GOREY]  and Corey BrentÕs [MAXIMUS EVANS]  flat and tells them how somebody beat up Seb and Nina and theyÕre now in hospital.  Asha reels whilst Corey acts shocked.

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By Friday, Corey will also be seen covering his tracks when he tells Kelly to say nothing about what went on. He then swears his innocence to Asha but says that it would be best if she told the police he was with her at the crucial time. What will she do?

Abi’s dreams are shattered

The attack is, naturally, also going to impact massively on Seb’s mum Abi, who’s currently planning to get married to Kevin. At the start of the week, before her son is assaulted, Abi will already be feeling as though her upcoming wedding is cursed, thanks to a series of setbacks that send her stress levels sky high.


STRICT EMBARGO - No Use Before Tuesday 27th April 2021

Coronation Street - Ep 10317

Wednesday 5th May 2021 - 1st Ep

Seb Franklin [HARRY VISINONI] is delighted when his mum  Abi Franklin [SALLY CARMAN] asks him to give her away and presents her with the necklace. 

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Photographer - Danielle Baguley

This photograph is (C) ITV Plc and can only be reproduced for editorial purposes directly in connection with the programme or event mentioned above, or ITV plc. Once made available by ITV plc Picture Desk, this photograph can be reproduced once only up until the transmission [TX] date and no reproduction fee will be charged. Any subsequent usage may incur a fee. This photograph must not be manipulated [excluding basic cropping] in a manner which alters the visual appearance of the person photographed deemed detrimental or inappropriate by ITV plc Picture Desk. This photograph must not be syndicated to any other company, publication or website, or permanently archived, without the express written permission of ITV Picture Desk. Full Terms and conditions are available on
Abi Franklin [SALLY CARMAN] (ITV)

But once she learns that Seb has been hospitalised, a worried Abi asks Kev to cancel their wedding. Her priorities now are to ensure that Seb receives the best treatment possible and to get answers about what happened. Hence her making a beeline for Corey and demanding to know whether he was involved. He, of course, denies all knowledge – but, privately, Asha continues to have grave misgivings.

Not-so-safe house for Leanne, Nick and Simon

Simon’s decision to come out of hiding looks set to have far-reaching repercussions when scheming Sharon manages to get his current address from Carla’s phone.


STRICT EMBARGO - No Use Before Tuesday 27th April 2021

Coronation Street - Ep 10316

Monday 3rd May 2021 - 2nd Ep

Sharon Bentley [TRACIE BENNETT] calls at No.1 with flowers for Peter and manages to get Carla Barlow’s [ALISON KING] phone, having found the address of the hideout, Sharon slips the phone back in Carla’s bag and leaves. 

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Sharon Bentley [TRACIE BENNETT] (ITV)

Meanwhile, at their hideout, Nick is reassuring Leanne that, once Harvey has been sentenced, they’ll be free to return home. But what they don’t know is that Sharon is now getting in touch with Harvey’s heavy and ordering him to get over to the safe house sharpish. Are Nick, Leanne and Simon about to get a very rude awakening?

Watch: Will Mellor talks about how much this new Corrie role means to him, and his mum